
Wednesday, October 25, 2006

I Respect My Elders, But This Is Too Much

I was listening to a Democratic state representative (Barbara Cooper D-86) earlier today. She misrepresented a couple of facts, like Democrat politicians usually will. The first one dealt with same sex-marriage. She danced around the issue, like her fellow party members. Either you are for it, or you're not. She suggested the bible, and elected officials as antidotes. The bible was written two thousand years ago. And the elected officials were responsible, for the Tennessee Waltz last year. Obviously those two things don't make marriage clear. At least they haven't so far. Anyone that votes 'No' to 'amendment 1', is for same-sex marriage. Regardless what they tell you. Ms. Cooper doesn't want to change the constitution, to stipulate marriage as being between a man and woman. Yet she wants to write legislation, defining property taxes. Sounds like double talk to me.

Then there's the issue of the GED. If it was the same as a high school diploma. Why bother attending classes? The question isn't whether the two are equivalent. The question is whether the two are the same. They are not. Read the definition below:
What is the GED?

GED (General Educational Development) Tests measure the outcome of a high school education. The GED Tests consist of five tests, one in each of these subjects: Mathematics, Science, Social Studies, Writing Skills, and Interpreting Literature and the Arts. The GED Tests are available in English, Spanish, French, large-print, audiocassette, and Braille. Adaptations to testing conditions are permitted for adults with disabilities.

Did you know that...

Since 1949 an estimated 15.4 million adults worldwide have taken and passed the GED Tests and earned their credentials. Worldwide, more than 860,000 adults take the GED Tests every year.
Those who obtain scores high enough to earn a GED certificate outperform 40% of today's graduating high school seniors.
The General Educational Development Testing Service develops and distributes the GED Tests.
GED Graduates include: Delaware's Governor Ruth Ann Minner, Colorado's Senator Ben Nighthorse Campbell, comedian Bill Cosby, actor Christian Slater, and Wendy' founder Dave Thomas.
More than 95 percent of U.S. employers consider GED graduates the same as traditional high school graduates with regard to hiring, salary, and opportunities for advancement.

Ones perception, is ones reality. That's how most people feel. The fact that some GED recipients are so defensive. Is one indication, that they're not viewed as the same. It's wonderful that this opportunity exists. But it usually indicates a problem at some point. Whether it be beyond your control or self induced. If that's the case let's stop wasting money. Instead of sending our children to school for twelve years. Let's just give them the GED test.


  1. Anonymous5:33 AM

    Maybe we need more GEDs and less PHDs.

  2. Anonymous5:40 AM

    I have noticed the dance on the gay marriage issue among the democrats.

  3. Anonymous 5:33,

    You might have a point. In some races that might very well be true. Some positions are specialized, they require a degree of higher learning.

  4. I'm going to look up her voting record. So I can see how she voted.

  5. Anonymous2:40 PM

    She probably voted against gay marriage.When it came up for a vote.She isn't going to come out against Steve Cohen.They're in the same party.

  6. Anonymous8:38 PM

    Her and Myron Lowery were at the WDIA juke joint. I guess they were rubbing elbows with the people.

  7. Cordova Tn.,

    You are right she didn't vote for the resolution.

    The resolution passed 29-3. Voting “no” were Cohen, and senators Joe Haynes (D-Goodlettsville) and John Ford (D-Memphis).
