
Monday, October 09, 2006

Should She Really

I understand that at the congressional debate, held this past Sunday. Mr. Roland extended a challenge to Ms. Ford, for a debate. Let's just be honest here. What do they have to debate about? The same old answers, to the same old questions. That's all they're going to give. If you don't have connections. You can't get anything done. Let's just face it. Being a State Senator, is a very boring job. To say the least. That's why all of them are getting indicted. They've gone unnoticed for years. Stealing money from the taxpayers. In the name of the state. Along comes E-Cycle. A little bribery here, a little bribery there. That's what it's really all about. They start falling like dominoes.Now we see why people have held these seats for twenty or more years. Ophelia doesn't want to rock the boat. And I can't really blame her. In the short time she was there. She collected more money than any other state senator. She stepped right in and went to work. John Ford may not be in office, but he still has friends. Since they can't deal with him. They'll accept his sister? I guess she's thinking to herself. Let's not start something here. We aren't going to keep up with. The position is more of a people person job. Than anything else. Who would the people of district 29, feel more comfortable with? Ophelia Ford or Terry Roland?


  1. Anonymous6:17 PM

    She would if she didn't think she had the race on lock.She should get out and meet the people.

  2. If indeed she does think she has the race won. Why bother debating? Giving Terry Roland a stage. Which he doesn't have now. It's her race to lose. I don't think much would be accomplished by a debate.

  3. Anonymous12:31 PM

    I think she should.Even though you're partly right. I agree, it won't make a difference.That's how we got Katherine Bowers.

  4. Anonymous3:49 AM

    I heard Prince Mongo has entered the race.

  5. Anonymous2:37 PM

    He was in the race last time. He was the reason for the closeness of the results.


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