
Tuesday, October 10, 2006

Those Who Cry Wolf

Once again we have another unexplained home invasion. I can remember several of these unsolved cases. That have taken place in this year alone. This one ended in the death, of one the intruders. The lady in question, won the scuffle this time. She killed the only other witness involved. You can't get a statement from a dead person. So she isn't worried about conflicting testimony. Everybody is patting the woman on the back. Like she is some kind of hero. I'm glad none of her children were hurt. I guess if anyone should have been killed. It should have been the robber.That still doesn't erase the past events. That led up to the home invasion, to begin with.

I wrote about this same subject, late last year. Nothing much has changed since then. Read my earlier blog.
I haven't heard about either, of these cases being solved. I think the same thing about this one. That I thought about the others. To further fuel my suspicions. This woman's past has come into question. It seems that this has happened before. It seems that twenty minutes passed, before she called the police. That doesn't sound like your run of the mill victim. I think there's more to this story, than meets the eye. Read the link below to get the full story.,2845,MCA_25340_5054616,00.html


  1. Anonymous12:20 PM

    Good post

  2. Anonymous8:42 PM

    She was still within her rights to shoot him.

  3. Ezell,

    It may have been her right, but it could just be hazards of the trade. This isn't her first experience with home invasion.

  4. Anonymous3:44 AM

    These stories hit the news for a day or two. You never hear about them again.

  5. Police say latest Germantown home invasion was not random crime
    By Lela Garlington (Contact)
    Originally published 12:44 p.m., January 11, 2008
    Updated 04:29 p.m., January 11, 2008

    Three suspects, all armed with pistols, kicked in a side door and robbed a home in Germantown early this morning, accosting a mother and daughter before taking electronics, credit cards and other items.

    There were no injuries in the incident that began at 2 a.m. in the 2600 block of Park Creek Drive. The home is located in the Shady Creek subdivision just off Poplar.

    The homeowner, Deanna Vaughan, 47, woke up when she heard the commotion. As she got out of bed, the three suspects met her at the entrance to her bedroom, which is just off the kitchen.

    “I won’t feel safe until they get them,” she said.

    Vaughan said after the trio left, she and her daughter hid briefly to make sure the robbers had left. The two then climbed a fence and went to a neighbor’s house to call police.

    By this afternoon, Vaughan and her 14-year-old daughter were looking through photo line ups to see if either one could identify who robbed them. Vaughan also notified an alarm company to reactivate her security system.

    As she spoke to the alarm company on the telephone making the arrangements for a worker to come to her house, Vaughan’s hands trembled from the ordeal and the lack of sleep.

    “I don’t believe it was random,” she said as she sat at the table at her newly renovated kitchen. She said they asked specific questions of her that a stranger should not have known.

    Germantown spokeswoman Angela Buckley also confirmed that the Shady Creek home invasion bears little resemblance to last month’s home invasion in the Steeplegate subdivision.

    “There is definitely not a connection with the home invasion last month,” Buckley said adding the trio fled on foot. No vehicle was seen. All three were wearing masks and Buckley said police are uncertain, at this point, if the trio were all men.

    Buckley said based on interviews with the victims, this armed robbery was not a random act. “This family was specifically targeted,” she said. They knew particular information about the family.

    In December five armed men invaded a home in Steeplegate, putting the homeowners in handcuffs and stealing cash, valuables and a safe. So far, no arrests have been made in that case.

    The Shelby County Sheriff’s office reported 44 robberies of an individual in 2006 and 60 robberies in 2007. The department does not distinguish robberies of an individual between home invasions and those that could have happened on a street or elsewhere.

    Public Information Officer Steve Shular with the Sheriff’s office said he was unable this afternoon to provide a specific breakdown on how many of those were actually home invasions. From 2006 until now, Shular released information on eight home invasions in the county, including the latest one that happened in Shelby Forest near Millington.

    “Often, the suspects know the victims who are targeted specifically for something that they have,” he said.

    Memphis Police has seen a dramatic drop in its home invasions over the past three years. The city reported 375 home invasions in 2005, 347 in 2006 and 282 in 2007.

    Memphis Police Public Information Officer and Det. Monique Martin credited the department’s Blue Crush initiative, its cyberwatch program and citizens emailing the lead detectives who are working particular cases with police making more arrests.

    “People start to remember what they saw,” Martin said, particularly ones who may have seen something in their neighborhood but never saw any story in the news media.

    Buckley said anyone who saw something suspicious this morning should call the Germantown Crimestoppers at 757-2274.
