
Tuesday, October 31, 2006

Unpublicized Debate, Unfortunately

I had the opportunity yesterday morning, to hear an unpublicized 9th congressional debate. It took place on AM 1070 WDIA. Not necessarily the best place for information. Obviously all the candidates knew about it, because they all showed up. I think it was somewhat biased against my choice. That's not unusual for Republicans, at Black sponsored events. The atmosphere had a distinct Democratic lean. Thank God, they all had commercials, on that radio station. For the sake of station revenues. They had to be as fair as possible. All in all, I think the interviewer(James Davis) did a good job. In my opinion Mark White, is the best candidate, in the race. Not because he is the best politician, but he has the best platform. I hope the old saying doesn't ring true."Nice guys finish last". I think that's the hole in his armour. He comes across as being too nice. I think he needs to drive home the same-sex marriage issue. It's his ace in the hole. It's the one thing that may entice people to vote for him, that otherwise wouldn't.

I think Jake Ford has a future in Memphis politics. Just not as the next congressman. I appreciate his canidacy, it has improved chances for Mr. White. Otherwise it would have been a landslide victory for Steve Cohen. Even though he doesn't stand for anything. He has brought up pertinent questions. This race presents a test of sorts. On this one I find myself, sleeping with the enemy. Though I think Mr. Ford is out of his league, in terms of readiness. He has made this a very interstice race. He said he wanted to make people focus on the issues. Although not to his benefit, I think he has. He will be much better, once he has gone through something. This could be a start.

Then we get to Steve Cohen. I think the longer this campaign goes on, the worse it is for him. If the results had been tallied last week. Steve Cohen would have won hands down. I think this same-sex marriage issue, is killing him softly. A lot of people don't really know his position. They don't know he supports same sex marriage.Everytime he speaks, more and more people find out.


  1. Anonymous4:26 PM

    I heard Jake Ford on the radio today.Not being biased in my opinion.He isn't Congressman material.

  2. Anonymous4:43 PM

    I also saw the Mark White press conference.I was kind of impressed.

  3. Anonymous5:52 PM

    I was in attendance yesterday.It was a very productive meeting.

  4. Anonymous3:51 AM

    Jake Ford reminds me of a thug with a suit. Looks like they cleaned him up just to run for congress.

  5. Anonymous12:02 PM

    I missed that debate.I wish I had heard that.
