Enough Talking Points, The Election Is Over

Now that the Democrats control both the house and senate. They have the chance to implement all their so-called solutions. Instead of walking the walk, they're just talking the talk. There's no need to continue the rhetoric, the elections are over. These are some of their latest war cries. These ambitious words have spread like wildfire, among those Democratic cheerleaders. They're repeating them already, like a well rehearsed cheer. I've heard the same thing in at least three different places. I'm posting this message on November 10th, 2006. I bet $100 to a donut, 100 days from now. Let alone the first 100 hours in office. Nothing will have really changed. How do they propose to do in two weeks? Supposedly what the Republicans haven't done in twelve years. We'll visit this same post again, in February 2007. So we can analyze their progress. I'm sure that will be a short post.
What will they do first?
In the first hundred hours of a Democratic Congress:
We will restore civility, integrity, and fiscal responsibility to the House of Representatives. We will start by cleaning up Congress, breaking the link between lobbyists and legislation and commit to pay-as-you-go, no new deficit spending.
We will make our nation safer and we will begin by implementing the recommendations of the independent, bipartisan 9/11 Commission.
We will make our economy fairer, and we will begin by raising the minimum wage. We will not pass a pay raise for Congress until there is an increase in the minimum wage.
We will make health care more affordable for all Americans, and we will begin by fixing the Medicare prescription drug program, putting seniors first by negotiating lower drug prices. We will also promote stem cell research to offer real hope to the millions of American families who suffer from devastating diseases.
We will broaden college opportunity, and we will begin by cutting interest rates for student loans in half.
We will energize America by achieving energy independence, and we will begin by rolling back the multi-billion dollar subsidies for Big Oil.
We will guarantee a dignified retirement, and we will begin by fighting any attempt to privatize Social Security.
Here is what the GOP has done in the six years that Bush has been in office and why the DEMs have been unable to govern - until now!!
The GOP implemented tax cuts for the richest of the rich, effectively pushing the tax burden down the income scale to the lower earners. They refused to step in while the Oil industry was blatantly gouging the entire nation, in much the same way they turned a blind eye to the extortion of California perpetrated by Enron et al, a.k.a. the Houston mafia. They have wrought immeasurable damage to the nation's fiscal credit by running up massive deficits and thereby mortaging our future to the Chinese. They have overseen the export of millions of manufacturing jobs, they've raised the cost of student loans, and they've left many of their ostensibly benevolent initiatives unfunded. The past six years have effectively been a land-grab by the Republicans. They've been stuffing their pockets with the nation's wealth and leaving everyone else to suffer. Millions of Americans have lost their health insurance under Republican rule, just as the presciption drug costs for seniors have skyrocketed under Plan D. The Democrats haven't done anything to help because they've been powerless since the GOP siezed its' artificial majorities. Now that the Democrats will control the legislative agenda, we'll start to hear a lot more about their plan, because finally they'll be able to enact one. Stop playing coy here and pretending the Republicans are legitimate. They're crooks, liars, scum, facsists, and traitors, and they should be tried, convicted, and executed thusly.
Anonymous 7:28,
These are the same old tired arguments. The only difference is, now it's going to fall back on you. Democrats can no longer just complain. They have to do something.
The tax cuts nobody seems to understand. Will look good once the Democrats cut them. Nobody seems to remember those extra couple of hundred dollars they didn't have. Anyway 50% of the people don't pay any taxes at all. They get back more than they contribute.
Elected officials don't control oil prices. That's just something else Democrats have lied about. It's controlled by supply and demand. Oil prices have fallen .82 since the summer.
Enron was not a government organization. Why are we blaming the Republican administration? Do we give them credit for all the profitable investments? The stock market closed at over 12000 points the other day. Investors are making money.
The deficit was already high when Republicans took office. Not to mention the fact, that we're at war. Don't act like the Democrats were so frugal. They wasted money too. Republicans just haven't reversed the trend. Let's not overlook the fact. In spite of all this. They have managed to cut the deficit in half.
Student loans have risen as a result of defaults.For one thing. You can't continue to pay out, and not take anything in. To say initiatives have gone unfunded. You must be specific. A lot of things shouldn't be funded. Some of them are being funded,just not the ones you want. I'm sure you want to beat that old dead horse of "No child left behind".
The idea of insurance accounts, is the best thing I've heard so far. No seniors have lost their insurance, they have medicare. Only working age people have lost their insurance. Those people relying on an all inclusive system. Many of them shouldn't have had it in the first place. Tenncare was riddled with fraudulent claims. Some people fall through the cracks. It rains on the just and the unjust.
Every thing you said revolved around what the Republicans did or didn't do. In your opinion all wrong. Regardless of what direction they went. When you see that things will only get worse. Who will you blame then? I'll be waiting to hear. It's just a matter of time.
Don't be puzzled, it's simple. I'm always on the right side. Just like you're usually on the left. How have Republicans influenced you? Other than give you something to talk about. If the shoe fits wear it. If it doesn't keep moving. Just because some rino got caught. You're trying to hang that tag on all conservatives. You keep talking about Mark Foley. He was a Democrat initially. He changed parties to be elected. He hid behind the principles of the party. What about Barney Franks?
You'll see soon enough.I said the democrats would win the house and senate.We're going to see some changes now.
Regardless if you are Democrat or a Republican...Green (Money)
Rule Our Government
I agree money is the common factor. We must be good stewards though. Both of them take, and spend too much money.
Nancy Pelosi is off to a bad start. She lost her first major battle. Her choice for Senate Majority leader didn't win.
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