
Sunday, November 26, 2006

To Tithe Or Not To Tithe

A question was asked today, that generated quite a bit of conversation. It pertained to the disparity in the number of collections, taken up at Black churches as opposed to White. In my church we only take up one. The pastors job, is to address the needs of his congregation. Our pastor has taught on the subject extensively. It has been the subject of discussion quite frequently. That's a very unpopular topic to some. It doesn't bother me because I understand. The number of collections could be due, to the congregation not grasping a bibical concept. If all the members of the congregation gave a tithe. The church coffers would be running over. Many people are disciplined and consistent, in service attendance and religious practices. They speak in tongues, and do a holy dance. Yet when it comes to giving, they fall terribly deficient. Many parishioners only give a tip, in place of a tithe. They earn a $1000 a week, and only put $20 in the collection plate. They give the church what's left over, instead of the firstfruits. If nothing else, they should understand.The church has expenses too. Nobody wants to go to a church, where the air or heat doesn't work. Many preachers have decided if they can't get it in one collection, they'll get it in the other.

I read about the attitudes exhibited, in the parable of the good Samaritan.

The priest and Levites were of the attitude. I've got mine and I'm going to keep it.

The thieves were of the attitude. It's yours, and I want it. So I'm going to get it.

The good Samaritan was of the attitude. It's mine and you can have it, if you need it.

There should be an attitude that permeates even the commendable one, of the good Samaritan. Everything belongs to God. It is only by his grace, that we possess anything. We are but stewards over his goods.


  1. Anonymous10:01 AM

    You got that right.

  2. Anonymous1:45 PM

    It does make a difference.
