
Wednesday, November 15, 2006

Trickery and Chicanery

It appears a family from New Orleans, was given a home in Memphis. That they never even occupied. The "Temple Of Deliverance" pastored by presiding COGIC Bishop G.E. Patterson. Who hosted a campaign rally week before last, for Harold Ford Jr.. They seem to have been swindled this time. I'm sure they're not the only ones caught nodding. Though they're probably among the largest so far. I know there were temple members, in need of housing already. Before "Hurricane Katrina" ever took place. There were consistent tithers, and faithful members. That don't even live in $88,000 houses themselves. Some lived in the projects directly adjacent to the church. If church funds were used. Which now is a matter of contention. They will and should be very upset.

This was perfectly planned by the media. Unless of course, it was a disgruntled member. If indeed it was, I can't say I blame them. They let this story out, during the 99th annual convocation. The day before their largest yearly meeting. I'm sure the "Temple Of Deliverance" thought, this issue was dead and buried. This just goes to prove. What's done in the dark, will come to the light. I know Bishop Patterson is a man of God. His preaching skills are one of a kind. But he isn't above reproach. Bishop Patterson may very well be a giving man, but let's be real. I don't think he's that benevolent though. There were families in need of his help. Much more than the Thomas's. He claims to have purchased the house himself. Though the family in question was brought before the church. What he does with his own money, is his own business. So why did the church have to get his approval, or him theirs? For something they weren't supposed to even know about. In my humble opinion this was more faith based initiatives. Something the Black community unwittingly constantly complains about. I mostly blame the Black ministers. As much as anyone else. For not letting their congregations know, where these funds are coming from. Instead having them think, this is due to their generosity. And not the policies, of the present administration. I think the husband let the cat, out of the bag. When he said " take it up with God". Since these acts are commited in his name. The church is involved, in a lot of trickery and chicanery.

Look at the link below , see the video :


  1. Anonymous9:56 PM

    Where is the Bishop Patterson groupie? Since this came up I haven't seen him.

  2. Anonymous8:18 PM

    Doesn't the husband look familiar.

  3. Anonymous8:19 PM

    Doesn't the husband look familiar?
