
Thursday, December 07, 2006

The Huey P. Long Syndrome

Throughout history there have been people, to come along with exceptional influence. One of these people would be Huey P. Long. The former governor and senator, in the late twenties and early thirties. He was once a political powerhouse, in the state of Louisiana. He created the "share the wealth platform", a model used by may politicians today. It's built on the premise of taking the wealth from the rich, and redistributing it to the poor. Just as the people gobbled it up then. They're buying it now. As witnessed through these last midterm elections. It was once said that Governor Long was so popular with the voters. The only thing that would keep him from being reelected. Was "If he was caught in bed, and took a picture. With a live animal, or a dead body". That's pretty popular in my opinion.

The residual effects of that type thinking, are evident in Louisiana today. Especially in the old New Orleans. Where 65% of it's former residents, pre-Katrina were renters. Unemployment was among the highest in the country. It also had the distinction of being the "crime capital of the United States". Here in my city of Memphis Tenn., the mentality must have caught on too. Crime and foreclosures are at an all time high. We are in the midst of a FBI corruption sting. Some of the constituency are still trying to make excuses, even with pictures and tapes. We put the politicians on pedestals. Making them larger than life. Huey P. Long tricked the voters 3/4 of a century ago. Some people are still falling for the okey dokey today.

To read more about Huey P. Long, click on link below: