
Monday, February 12, 2007

Illusion Of Inclusion

The advances brought about by "Affirmative Action" were good, depending on who you ask. Some say the biggest benefactors were really White women. I'm not sure I disagree with that. I'm not in total agreement either. There were others who felt they were getting a better shake. Chief Justice "Clarence Thomas" has been ridiculed for his stance on this issue. There are two sides to every coin, yet only one can be right. He may have taken advantage of it himself. That doesn't mean it's supposed to last forever.

This entitlement mentality may have been needed at one time. It would be unfair to others races at this point. The purpose for it in the first place. Was to get Blacks to a point of self sufficiency. As a whole it has had the opposite effect. What it did was split up the home. Giving women jobs men should have had. Rewarding women individually with checks for kicking their men out. The end result is babies having babies. Black women never getting married. Young men growing up never knowing their father. Was it worth the trade? For those who used the system for all the wrong reasons


  1. Are we mad at Black women and do you actually believe what you post?
