Tuesday, March 13, 2007

A New Face For Democrats

Keith Norman the pastor of First Baptist church on Broad. Is seeking the position of chairman of the Shelby County Democratic party. The issue has come up as to whether he is putting the tax exempt status of his church in jeopardy. Even if the IRS does decide to prosecute, which I don't think they will. The IRS would have to form a line, if they weren't enforcing the law selectively. I'm not so sure this would be a violation anyway. The Javier Bailey supporters are probably the ones who are trying to make a big deal of this. Many of whom I know have questionable backgrounds themselves. Which leads me to why I think Pastor Norman is running for the seat.

I think this is an effort to give the party a new cleaner look. A leader who is actually doing something for the people. Pastor Norman appears to be one who has a relatively clean background. With the broad sweeping effects of the Tennessee Waltz on local Democrats. The party is in serious need of a makeover. The former chaiman is under indictment, his biggest opponent has been on repeated probation. To have someone with morals and a record of good works in the community is something new. He has been an asset to the Binghampton community in various ways. An area of town that doesn't always get the attention of the city leaders. At least not as much as the more affluent parts of the city. They don't seem to have a lot of friends in high places. If given that kind of political clout in the community. Pastor Norman seems to be the kind of leader that would make a difference. This is what makes me an Independent Conservative. I think I can come to a comfortable median with some Democrats. From what I have seen, Keith Norman may be one of those.