
Monday, August 06, 2007

Common Sense Is Not Always Common

I heard a young man today who is going back to school to further his education. I think that in itself is a wonderful thing, but not the total answer for Blacks.I won't say it publicly, but this is what I think. We suffer from a lack of morality and a propensity to screw things up. We can get all the degrees we want, it still won't help. If we don't change our wicked ways and immoral way of thinking. It's only going to get worse. We have a above average understanding of all the wrong things. Unfortunately that's not the case with foolish stuff. We raise little children who know every word to a rap song, but don't know the alphabet. Some people are on the Dean's list in school, but they don't have sense enough to come in out of the rain.

Questions from the same vein have been popping up on radio talkshows all week. Why do smart women make such dumb choices? Should I continue to see her even though she's went back to her husband? Does he love me if he doesn't give me money? All these questions have been asked by supposedly educated people. Any person of average intelligence should be able to figure this out. Yet many people with college degrees aren't able to figure it out.This society puts to much emphasis on knowledge gained from books. We would be a lot better off if we just had more mother wit.