
Saturday, October 20, 2007

For Those Who Doubted Him

The only thing I think the Mayor should have done is clear the air of the Johnny come-latelys who just came on board supporting him. I think he should have held a press conference to let people know his positions hadn't changed. And that he appreciated all the people who supported him in his re-election bid. But don't expect him to change his positions to spite those who didn't. There were some things that he had already let his position be known. He hasn't even started his new term yet and some of these old scars have already been reopened.

The Mayor made his position known fifteen years ago concerning the "Beale Street Development Corporation" and it's property leases. The city is having no part of it, and they aren't going to pay. They presumably have a contract with the city for fifty-two years. No one, even one of it's original members "Randall Catron" can tell me for what. It is true, they were part of the initial group who secured funds for the street's development. But in the hands of the BSDC the street's progress came to a virtual halt. Enter John Elkington and his company Performa then known as Elkington & Keltner. They have developed it to the point it is now. At last public accounting the city owed Mr. Elkington 2 1/2 million dollars, but the city wanted an itemized bill. I'm sure the interest of the city is being protected. If it weren't they would be in court. Don't expect a change of heart now that Mayor Herenton has won again.

Now we have the Ernest C. Withers studio situation. Which has somehow now been included in the fray. He was renting space on Beale Street for $1 a year up until his death. Quite a bargain for space on the street that is the most successful tourist attraction in the state of Tennessee. I bet the other tenants on the street wish they had such a deal. Let's not paint this man out as being a wealthy man while he lived. But he by no means was a tramp. He wasn't Donald Trump either. Before the man was dead, the battle over his legacy began. It seems he chose to let John Elkington as opposed to his wife, or one of his seven children oversee his affairs. I hate that his family has attached themselves to some of these other causes. In the end it might work against them. They haven't generated any public outcry on their behalf in the past twenty-three years. What can they do other than quell interest in your cause now? Let's be honest here. It's really all about charity and the philanthropic spirit.

Just watch how these things turn out. That will serve as some indication that the Mayor hasn't changed his mind. In his acceptance speech he spoke of rewarding loyalty. I think he's aware of some of the ulterior motives in play here. I expect some of those same people that were so critical of the Mayor in the past, will soon be critical of him again. For those who doubted the Mayor's integrity, just wait and see.


  1. I knew it wouldn't take very long. As soon as the Mayor didn't change some of his former positions. They would cry their support for him was a mistake.
