
Thursday, January 17, 2008

The Dreaded N-Word

As much mileage as this word has gotten this past year. After being almost driven to the point of cussing, I used this word in its place. I use this word sometimes when I feel it is appropriate. When people behave certain ways, it's the best way to describe them. This idea that you can't call things as they are, for fear of stepping on someone's foot. It's funny, the only people that can't use this word are those who are qualified to do so. If indeed there is such a creature.

A white person uses the word, they are called a racist. In some cases they are. In other cases they are simply reactng to being called a cracker or a redneck. What exactly does he say, when dealing with someone with tunnel vision?

A Asian person doesn't concern himself with matters of race. All they concern themselves with is collecting your money, after they provided whatever service they provide. I never heard an Asian person say the N-word before. I'm sure they've encountered some before.

A Hispanic person using the word is ready for war. All they say is Esa rules. When the black gangs walk down the halls at school, the white kids step aside. When the Hispanic gangs walk down the halls, both black and white kids step aside.

A Black person who says it , hates his people. Especially if he himself, doesn't fit the bill. The most militant of Blacks who label everybody else. Have the nerve to be offended, when someone calls them that. Considering the word's many uses. Why have Blacks embraced the meaning that most belittles them. Blacks even buried the N-word, gave it a funeral and the whole nine yards. It must have just been for everybody else. Being that I hear it just as often. Forget about the word though. What about their actions?

Seems like the only people that can use this word and get away with it, are those who might be called one themselves. If you wear your pants up around your waist. And don't have a criminal record, and have spent some time in jail. If you don't smoke Black and Milds and drink Hennesy. To a particular culture you're not qualified. You just don't understand the pressure a Nigga is going through.

Webster's dictionary no longer has it in it's list of words. I figured I better post it before it is removed from Read the definitions below and see what you think.

(ethnic slur) extremely offensive name for a Black person; "only a Black can call another Black a nigga" [syn: nigger]
WordNet® 3.0, © 2006 by Princeton University.Acronym Finder - Cite This Source - Share This
NIGGA: in Acronym Finder
Acronym Finder, © 1988-2007 Mountain Data Systems Unabridged (v 1.1) - Cite This Source - Share This
nig·ger /ˈnɪgər/ Pronunciation Key - Show Spelled Pronunciation[nig-er] Pronunciation Key - Show IPA Pronunciation

—Usage note The term nigger is now probably the most offensive word in English. Its degree of offensiveness has increased markedly in recent years, although it has been used in a derogatory manner since at least the Revolutionary War. Definitions 1a, 1b, and 2 represent meanings that are deeply disparaging and are used when the speaker deliberately wishes to cause great offense. Definition 1a, however, is sometimes used among African-Americans in a neutral or familiar way. Definition 3 is not normally considered disparaging—as in “The Irish are the niggers of Europe” from Roddy Doyle's The Commitments—but the other uses are considered contemptuous and hostile.
Slang: Extremely Disparaging and Offensive.
a black person.
a member of any dark-skinned people.
Slang: Extremely Disparaging and Offensive. a person of any race or origin regarded as contemptible, inferior, ignorant, etc.
a victim of prejudice similar to that suffered by blacks; a person who is economically, politically, or socially disenfranchised.
[Origin: 1640–50; <>


  1. Nice post Common breaking down the N-word.

    I personally do not use the N-word and I do not like to be around anyone that spit it out of his or her mouth every so many words. That is why when Gangsta rap first came on the scene, I did not like, would not listen to it and knew it was going to damage a which it did.

    I would be laughed at using slang word. As my peers use to say, "I didn't sound black" and that was when "What’s Up" was a popular slang term back in the day :)

  2. Hello Blinders Off,

    I've been wondering about you. How are you doing? I must admit, I do use the word sometimes. Only when I think it's appropiate though. Sometimes you encounter an idiot that the word best describes. Unfortunately in my case, most times those people are black.

    I refuse to let them put a guilt trip on me, like the Muslims try to do with Christianity. If you don't want to be called one, don't act like one. I don't use it like the hip hop generation in my everyday language.

  3. I listened to the Memorial Day tributes this morning and I was disappointed with some of the responses I heard. The responses you get from whites ln this country are totally different from those you get from blacks.

    When you use something for all it's worth and throw it away. That's called conserving. When you convince others not to take advantage of the same things you did. That's called "poisoning the well." Problem is that doesn't apply to humans. You can never replace their experience. Our history is not to be thrown away because it's not what we would like for it to have been. Instead it's to be used as a foundation to bigger and better things.
