
Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Obamicans Are The Least Objective

I heard a local newspaper columnist ( Wendi Thomas) try and justify this over zealous behavior being exhibited by Barack Obama supporters. I always think back to the movie I saw called "Pimps up, Ho's down." The words of Pretty Tony ring true as if he said them yesterday. Jokingly he said as if it was something to anticipate. "When blacks get in the White house, they gone let things get wide open. Niggas gone be doing everything." Little did I know his words were somewhat prophetic. I'll be darned if he wasn't right to some degree. Barack Obama hasn't even won yet, and blacks are already pulling out the BBQ grills. "Forgive me, I couldn't resist that." But you get the picture though. The nose in the air syndrome has already started. Let's not place our future, and stake our past accomplishments on whether this candidate wins or not.

Some intellectual blacks have totally disregarded the rules and regulations that gave them equal access to the media in the first place. I am tired of hearing Roland Martin's one sided perspectives, and reading Wendi Thomas starry eyed columns. It turns my stomach to hear Michael Eric Dyson rhyming and philosophising, about the plight of blacks in America. He is a modern day Jesse Jackson who sounds like a lyricist posing as a lecturer. He gets a pass for his outburst, but not the writers. They don't even fall short of an outright endorsement. The meeting of black writers and journalist sponsored by "Unity." Was the epitome of this new found behavior being exhibited by Obama supporters. They've even been given a new name. They are called Obamicans. The writers and journalists are a large group of obviously educated blacks who are responsible for reporting the news. They have thrown the first rule of impartial reporting out the window. They had to be reminded by the organizer of the event (Karen Lincoln Michel), that this was nationally televised. Though most of them had already crossed the line. They didn't need the world to see. Of all those who might be considered, Obamicans are the least objective.


  1. Anonymous12:22 PM

    You don't care for Obama do you?

  2. Anonymous12:46 PM

    What's to like, his promise to raise taxes is enough to make me not like him. Once the Bush tax cuts expire, combined with his raising of taxes people will have even less money to pay for the rising gas prices. If people think they are broke now just for Obama to hit office and then they will really know what broke is.

    Not to mention that with the tx increases he'll give nationwide health care to most everybody, including illeagal immigrants.
    He wont work to secure the border, the Democratic congress has already seen to that so far.

    I think he's all wrong, but then again I dotn care much for McCain either. To me it's a lose, lose who ever is elected. With McCain at least I'll keep more of my hard earned money though

  3. Anonymous2:35 PM

    You're probably some white man that has benefitted of the sweat of others.The Bush tax cuts were for the rich. America is spending millions of dollars a day in Iraq. Why not have free health care? The average citizen didn't benefit from them .

  4. I'm not white but I don't really care for Barack Obama either. Not the man himself, but his style of politics.You must not pay taxes at all. You're not alone though. You make up 50% of the Americans who don't. If you did you would be concerned about them being raised.

    The argument about the money being spent in Iraq is old and played out. For the good of the country. We needed to go to Iraq. Answer this question. What would anything matter, the price of gas or the economy. If we had another 9/11 attack?

    Free health care would cost workers a fortune. Unless you're retired or disabled you should have insurance accounts. Anybody that received a rebate this time or last. Benefitted from the tax cuts. So those are just talking points from the inept Democrats.

  5. Anonymous6:21 AM

    So what if I am white and I have had some form of job in one way or another since I was about 9. My parents didnt have much money so I joined the military right out of high school and served for over 22 years. Whatever I have I worked hard for it.

    I benefitted off the sweat of my own brow and I would say I'm middle class not rich or elitest.
    Alot of Democrats want to use it the Bush tax cuts as only for the rich ehrn middle and lower class benefitted as well.

    Since you like to judge me I would say your a poor black man/woman who expects the Government to give you everything since you dont like to work for it and prfer to let others who have worked hard for it to pay your way.

    Free health care isn't free since everyones taxes will be rasied to pay for it. Everything the Government has their hands in ends up costing more and is severely mismanaged.

    Congress can't get their act together and agree on anything but you want them to manage your health, no thanks.


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    ، فتمتلك العديد من المقومات الرائعة التي تميزها عن غيرها من الشركات، حيث أن التنظيف يعتبر من الأمور الشاقة للغاية للمرأة خاصة إذا كانت المرأة تعمل فيكون ليس لديها وقت فارغ لتتم عملية التنظيف، حيث أن
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    تسريب المياة يحدث بشكل مستمر في أي وقت والظاهر منه هو الذي يمكن ملاحظته والتعامل معه بشكل سريع والذي تظهر إثارة بشكل واضح علي الجدران من تنقيط طفيف للماء أو رطوبة منتشرة في المكان بالكامل أو انتشار روائح كريهة بالمكان غير معروف سببها حينها يتم البحث بشكل سريع والتعامل فورا مع ذلك التسريب أما إذا كان لديك تسريب مائي داخلي غير ظاهر المعالم فالخطورة تكون بشكل أكبر حينها يجب التعامل فورا والتنسيق مع شركة كشف تسربات المياه بعنيزة توفر أجهزة حديثة للقضاء علي جميع التسريبات الداخلية والخارجية وتغير كافة الوصلات التالفة لذا توفر الشركة مجموعة كبيرة من الأجهزة الخاصة بالكشف عن كافة أنواع التسريبات سواء كانت ظاهرة أم لا كما أن كافة الخامات والمعدات يمكنها الكشف دون الحاجة الي تكسير الجدران وإتلاف المنظر والديكورات وكل هذا بأسعار مناسبة جدا تتماشي مع جميع الطبقات
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    توفر الشركة مجموعة من أقوي مواد إبادة الحشرات وأحدث الأجهزة الخاصة برش المبيدات المختلفة والمتطورة جدا فهي قادرة علي تغطية شاملة لكافة أماكن الإصابة المختلفة ورشها ومنع انتشار الحشرات المختلفة في المكان وكذلك تقوم الشركة بتوفير مجموعة من المبيدات التي يتم رشها بصورة سريعة والتي يختلف نوع كل منها عن الآخر ويتعامل كل نوع منها مع نوع بعينة من الحشرات فكل نوع له المادة الفعالة الخاصة به والقادرة علي التعامل مع الحشرات بشكل محترف وسريع كما تتميز كافة أنواع المبيدات الحشرية بعنصر الأمان فهو لا يسبب أي مشاكل صحية مهما كان كما يمكن التعامل بها في وجود أفراد المنزل بشكل عادي دون أي مشاكل كما توفر الشركة خدمة المتابعة الدورية حرصا علي سلامة المستخدم والتأكد من سلامة المكان
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