
Tuesday, July 22, 2008

This Is The Straw That Broke The Camels Back

It's disturbing to witness what some people in this community are doing to one of their own. I have always thought and even said publicly. "Eddie Neal is a real trooper. Though I don't agree with his politics. I think he is sincere and is unfortunately committed to his sometimes warped causes." At some point, even that level of respect wears thin. You must be held responsible for poor judgement on your part. Be not deceived: evil communications corrupt good manners. In my reserved and long withheld opinion. This latest stunt is an example of being over the top.

Engaging in a boxing match won't prove anything. That hype job is old and played out already. An old bricklayer fighting a younger fancy Dan, doesn't generate much voter interest. Even though people might like to see G.A. Hardaway knocked out. That doesn't translate to being deserving of their vote. Eddie Neal might be an ex-Golden Gloves champion or something like that. So what exactly would that prove? It ends up looking like a move of desperation on his part. I would just say to Mr. Neal. "Don't let people around you, send you out. Your ideas may be ill conceived, but your money is still green." Joe Frazier and the mayor already played that angle for all it's worth. Mr. Eddie Neal is a nice fellow, but that's just not good enough. I must admit his approach is a bit antiquated and over used. Some of his past life experiences are too prevalent in his opinions and actions today. We can't move ahead with our focus being in the past.

Today is where I cut the rope. He is now being endorsed by Commissioner Henri Brooks and Pastor Bill Adkins. I would expect as much from the pastor though. After the Mayor Herenton debacle, constructed by him and LaSimba Gray. He is appreciative of still having a local voice in politics at all. To those that care what he has to say, his support of Eddie Neal is to be expected. He is a prime example of one of the many black men in Memphis that buy into Adkin's brand of theology. They put their race before their religion. But where was Henri Brooks when it really counted? Mr. Neal fails to realize that's why he was given the bill he championed in the first place. The other representatives knew he wouldn't be around to see it through. Had it not been for the very practice he complains about, Henri Brooks wouldn't be in office right now. For that matter, he would have never been appointed interim representative to begin with. In the past I chalked his mistakes up to blind support of the party. Based on his latest actions though,I'm no longer sure. I must refer to my original way of thinking "Birds of a feather, flock together." This is the straw that broke the camels back.


  1. Anonymous6:08 AM

    I agree, to challenge another politican to a boxing match with the loser leaving the election is idiotic. Then again there are many that he is pandering to that will probably vote for him becasue of this. It mnakes him more appealing to the thugs and low life that might turn out to vote.

  2. Anonymous6:07 PM

    I wouldn't vote for anyone that racist Henri Brooks endorsed.
