Thursday, September 25, 2008

Buying Time And Silence

We can't say this is racism because John Ford stayed out of jail five years after he was found guilty. Even though race isn't the overwhelming factor behind the lack of appropriate action here. It still plays a very important role in this whole thing. If Bruce Thompson were black he wouldn't have gotten off so light. Not only the authorities but the black community would have been watching this case like a hawk. Oftentimes ambitious blacks are their own worst enemies when it comes to politics. Being used by shady whites to perpetuate their elaborate schemes on unsuspecting blacks.

Not only is Thompson getting a break on his sentence, but on the complete uncovering of his misdeeds as well. He took a plea bargain and shut the investigation down. If they had kept digging, a lot more people would be looking at some jail time now. Look who he has trailing him in the picture ( Leslie Ballin). He bought the best local legal defense he could buy. Considering what has taken place. It has remained relatively quiet in the media. Largely because blacks won't complain about a white man stealing, and they don't talk about each other. So this incident slides under the microscope. Bruce Thompson can only be sentenced to a year at the most. Since his sentencing has been delayed while his lawyer reviews a pre-sentence report. I bet he won't get the maximum he can get. He might end up doing six months. If he does any time at all.