
Saturday, October 11, 2008

Where Does Life Begin

I was stomped when someone asked me earlier today. " Where in the bible does it say abortion is a sin?' It doesn't say that exactly. Just like the words homosexuality and crack aren't in their either. You won't find those exact words written. You would think someone of average intelligence would figure it out. Abortion, crack, and same-sex marriage are all twenty first century issues. Though nothing is new under the sun. These are still derivatives of the same old thing. During Jesus times he wasn't walking around trying to convert pregnant, drug addicted, lesbians. But he did deal with those given over to sexual immorality and those drunk off new wine of that day.

My personal opinion is life begins at conception. Conception is when the sperm fertilizes the egg. For those who think it starts when the baby opens it's eyes. God doesn't see it that way. He knew you while you were yet in the womb. The best form of contraception is abstinence. But the flesh is weak. That just isn't a sacrifice most people are willing to make. With all the means we have to not allow the egg and sperm to meet. There is no excuse for what has become common practice in today's society.

Read what the bible says:


  1. These six things doth the LORD hate: yea, seven are an abomination unto him: A proud look, a lying tongue, and hands that shed innocent blood,
    Proverbs 6:16-17 KJV

  2. That's a good one.


    Just 18 days after conception, the baby's heart begins to beat. At six weeks, brain waves can be measured. At eight weeks the vital organs are functioning and fingerprints have formed. At nine weeks, the unborn baby is able to feel pain. Over 700,000 abortions each year are performed after this point in the pregnancy. By the beginning of the second month, the unborn child, small as it is, has begun to look distinctly human, though the mother may not even be aware that she is pregnant! By the time the baby is eleven weeks old, he or she breaths (fluid), swallows, digests, sleeps, dreams, wakes, tastes, hears, and feels pain. Babies born prematurely can survive outside the womb as young as 20-25 weeks old. Yet, all that is necessary to make the baby a grown human being is already there from the moment of conception. All it needs is time to mature.

    Former Surgeon General, Dr. C. Everett Koop stated "We now know when life begins because the test-tube baby proves that life begins with conception. What do you have in the dish? An egg and a sperm. What do you add to it to get a baby? Nothing." Though it is wee, it is still a real person, just as a crumb of bread is still real bread. No one who has been given the gift of life should dare despise the day of small beginnings. Have we forgotten so quickly that we were once as small?

    "In the tiny, almost invisible thirty two cell blastocyst--in that one gram or so of tissue--there is a physical potential and moral destiny unparalleled in our universe. Next to it, a gram of plutonium is a triviality: plutonium cannot compose a symphony, cannot cure cancer, cannot plan our course to the stars". -Bernard Nathanson, M.D. and former abortionist-
