Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Just For Spite

This has happened a couple of times in as many weeks. In the presidential election and now on the city council here in Memphis. Instead of voting for someone or something in particular. Votes were cast against someone or something else out of spite. In the election it was against George Bush. Last night in Memphis it was against the white race. Blacks especially in Memphis have become like an out of control mob. They got a taste of what they think is blood with the Obama victory. Now they want to put down the man on every hand. Not considering the end result.

I can understand five of them voting the way they did, but I was surprised at two of them folding under pressure. I thought their concerns for the city, outweighed their need to prove their loyalty to other blacks. My councilman was one of the six who voted to ease the requirements, but there were seven who didn't. Now we know why the council couldn't take a definitive stance against Janis Fullilove. The black council members need her tie breaking vote. The next four years are going to be interesting.As we watch stupid decisions being made just for spite.



Anonymous Anonymous said...

They claim the council vote wasn't racially motivated, but I say it was. The presidential election is two weeks old and they still can't tell you why they voted for Barack Obama.

5:22 PM  
Blogger Common said...

Barack Obama is distancing himself from some of the people who put him in office with every cabinet choice he makes. He has pegged Hillary Clinton for the most diplomatic job in the world. Secretary of State. The only person that gets more time in front of the camera is the president himself.

11:47 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

As we debate, crime continues to rise.

3:15 PM  
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