
Thursday, February 12, 2009

It's Called Character

Finally we have someone in politics who seems to stand for something for all intents and purposes. Sen. Judd Gregg R-NH didn't get caught up in the mass hysteria and lay his pronciples aside. He possibly passed up the oppurtunity to be one of the most influential Republicans on the hill. Not only did he have the chance to be one of only three Republicans in this cabinet. Also he is the one vote in the Senare that keeps Democrats from having that magic nunber.

This could be a politically savy move on Sen. Gregg's part though. He has gone from being a virtually unknown to a sought out Republican voice on economic issues. I am glad he did what he did when he did. Unlike even the newly elected head of the RNC Michael Steele. He exhibited somethiing that's visibly absent from many of our elected officials these days.It's called character

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