Is Tavis Smiley the modern version of the gatekeeper of old? The powers that be have always had a man on the inside to serve as spokesman for both sides. Problem is at some point the spokesmen usually become self serving and the sincerity gets lost. Honesty and integrity always matter, but whose going to turn down that big payday when that's really what it's about? I can't say I blame him. For the last ten years that's what has kept Tavis Smiley's name in the media. From all indications nothing seems to have changed. Soon after the meeting was over, it started all over again. What else is Tavis known for? It's been a journalists dream come true.The story that just keeps running.
I don't hold Mr. Smiley personally responsible for the plight of the black community, but he does have the stage. Is he merely the master of ceremonies for an annual meeting of blacks in influential positions. To take their turn giving rehearsed speeches and promoting their latest books, or is he truly a vehicle for change? History has supported the latter. I must honestly admit I haven't heard the entire six hour meeting. I've heard enough to make this statement though. "It sounds like a lot more of the same." I don't blame Mr. Smiley and his regular panel. I'm sure they appreciate the gratuities they receive. Some of them have been there since the beginning as well. With that same covenant with black America that has yet to be filled. With guess who guarding the gate?,0,4723127.story
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