
Monday, June 15, 2009

Don't Open The Door

If David Letterman had made some equally offensive comments toward the Obama girls the public would be crying out asking for his head now. But since he said it about Sarah Palin's daughters. Liberals feel like it's just in good fun and an acceptable part of his nightly monologue. I was not even going to mention this but they're trying to sweep the Letterman comment under the carpet. By looking to find a comment made about one of the Obamas to cancel out what David Letterman said. As if one thing has anything to do with the other.

Over the weekend a gorilla temporarily escaped from his cage. Another blogger like myself. Who just happens to be a GOP political activist. Made a comment on his facebook page about it being one of Michelle Obama's descendants. Please give me a break. It was just a tasteless joke. Are the newspapers really hanging out on blogs for their leads these days? The two venues don't even compare. The Letterman show is probably one of the most watched shows in the country. The other we would have never even heard of if the Liberals hadn't make such big deal. If you don't want to be held to the same standard. Don't open the door.