
Friday, June 26, 2009

Might Be The Best

It is now being said that A.C.Wharton is just an extension of Willie Herenton. In the last city election they were trying to get him to run.Just goes to show they didn't really want him to begin with. They just wanted Herenton out and they didn't have a replacement.I have never been that high on A.C. Wharton myself. I always thought he was an appeaser. He was an apology expert. In the past I didn't like that I'm not sure that was such a good thing. When I look at the new makeup of the city coucil and the alternative choices for Mayor. He might be the best man for the job.


  1. Anonymous2:00 AM

    Or he may be too undistinguished to beat the competition.

  2. Who do you think is distinguished enough?

  3. Today A.C. Wharton appeared on Andrew Clarksenior's show and I asked this question.

    "Your concern for litter leads into my question. What if any plans do you have to insure tthe efficiency of the essential services we already have, namely sanitation."

    Based on his response he has answered that question before. His idea of outsourcing services if city workers don't meet performance standards. Is good if implemented.
