
Friday, July 24, 2009

Calm Down

I predicted stuff like this would become commonplace once we had a black president. Militant blacks in high places want to make up for organized racism for the last 200 years. Professor Gates felt because he was a highly credentialed black man who knew Barack Obama, he didn't have to respect the lowly police. All over the country less connected black, young men are losing their lives with this same behaviour and mentality. It really doesn't matter once you get beat down or even shot. What good is a multi-million dollar settlement to a corpse or vegetable?

In my opinion two things happened here that set blacks back forty years. In the days of cap and trade and the stimulus package we're still talking about police brutality. The president should have saved his comments for more important issues, and the Cambridge district attorney shouldn't have dropped the charges. It's time to let the likes of Robert Gates, Jesse Jackson, Al Sharpton and Louis Farakahn fade away. This just gave them some new ammunition to fleece their followers with.

I have some suspicions about this professor but they can't be confirmed. This guy has made a living documenting and discussing the black experience. This incident gives him credibility among a certain crowd.,_Jr. What he says was true once upon a time but not in 2009. Our institutions of higher learning are a hotbed for this type of radical thinking. Professor Gates is a college professor at Harvard University teaching "Black Studies"standing on his soapbox on a daily basis. He has access to a host of young impressionable minds who believe and repeat his rhetoric. It affects their G.P.A. I bet a book deal is in the near future. He is part of that infamous black intelligentsia whose main claim to fame is being a victim. Before you decide who was right or wrong. Read the link to the police report.