
Monday, July 20, 2009

Did Something Change

Jimmy Carter has to be one of the most indecisive men to ever occupy the White House. Now he has split with his church after sixty years. Regarding this issue their message hasn't changed since 1845. The issue of women and their ordination came up in the early eighties while he was in the oval office. Why didn't he take a stand then? They only apologized for slavery in 1995. Maybe I don't see it, but other than Jimmy Carter did something change?

Positions of the church:

Priesthood of all believers—Laypersons have the same right as ordained ministers to communicate with God, interpret Scripture, and minister in Christ's name

Soul competency—the accountability of each person before God.
Creeds and confessions—Statements of belief are revisable in light of Scripture. The Bible is the final word.
Women in ministry—Women participate equally with men in the priesthood of all believers. Their role is crucial, their wisdom, grace and commitment exemplary. Women are an integral part of Southern Baptist boards, faculties, mission teams, writer pools, and professional staffs. The role of pastor, however, is specifically reserved for men.
Church and state—a free church in a free state. Neither one should control the affairs of the other.
Missions—W honor the indigenous principle in missions. We cannot, however, compromise doctrine or give up who we are to win the favor of those we try to reach or those with whom we desire to work.
Autonomy of local church—We affirm the autonomy of the local church.
Cooperation—The Cooperative Program of missions is integral to the Southern Baptist genius.
Sexuality—We affirm God's plan for marriage and sexual intimacy—one man and one woman, for life. Homosexuality is not a valid alternative lifestyle.
Sanctity of life—At the moment of conception, a new being enters the universe, a human being, a being created in God's image.