Report Card

•Sworn in as Mayor Pro Tem of Memphis at 3:30 PM on July 31st by Judge Hardy Mays.
•Selected Jack Sammons as Chief Administrative Officer.
•Selected Veronica Colman-Davis as Deputy City Attorney.
•Selected Donna Davis as Media Relations Specialist.
•Selected Susan David as Special Assistant.
•Addressed Summer Youth Employment graduates end of summer program.
•Worked to correct paycheck problems within the SYEP program.
•Neighborhood Stabilization News conference at Frayser Community Development Center.
•News conference with Police Director Godwin for Undercover Operation Safeguard, 77 arrested.
•Met with all Division Directors.
•Ribbon cutting for the Disney's 'A Christmas Carol' Train Tour.
•Homeland Security Funds meeting with Congressman Cohen.
•Participated in groundbreaking at FedEx House for Le Bonheur Children Hospital.
•Attended Baptist Ministers Association meeting.
•Visited National Night Out meetings throughout the city.
•Addressed MLGW Neighborhood Leaders Conference with community related topics.
•Mayor Lowery's nominee Councilman Bill Boyd wins the Bobby Dunavant Award.
•Signed approximately 75 legal contracts totaling $27,828,242.33 during first week, including HCD grant funded contracts totaling $21,981,881.00.
•Met with all Division's Deputy Directors.
•Held Town Hall meeting for public to meet all city division directors.
•Held Open House for public to view Mayor's Office.
•Participated in Memphis City Schools Pre-K Express Program at Convention Center.
•Participated in Stop the Killing Rally at Brickford Community Center.
•Addressed Kroc Center neighborhood forum breakfast at Christian Brothers University.
•Addressed MPD Command staff at the Airways Police Station.
•Addressed Memphis in May Annual Year End Review luncheon at Peabody.
•Attended Elected Officials Prayer Breakfast at Crescent Club; Paul Stanley was the guest speaker.
•Meeting with Turkish representatives Mark Namver and Kemal Oksuz.
•Participated in the Friends for our Riverfront meeting on Cobblestone Landing.
•Met with Shelby County Trustee's staff about combining city and county taxes collections.
•Addressed the Orange Mound Civic Organization.
•Spoke to IBEW members about the importance of open communications with MLG&W officials.
•Signed approximately 40 legal contracts totaling $31,902,597.00 during 2nd week, including HCD grant-funded contracts totaling $27,074,923.00 during 2nd week.
•Participated in Air Conditioner Give-Away with Memphis Police Department's New Chicago Co-Act.
•Spoke to the Men's Journey Group at Calvary Episcopal Church.
•Welcomed the American Bridge Association tournament players to Memphis.
•Participated in Mayoral Forum at St. Trinity CME Church, Walter Hurt Organizer.
•Attended AFL/CIO Labor Council luncheon where City Court Clerk Thomas Long was guest speaker.
•Appointed Janet Hooks to Division Director of Public Service & Neighborhoods.
•Appointed John Vergos to Memphis Area Transit Authority Board.
•Appointed Mark Jones to Memphis Housing Authority Board.
•Appointed Jacquelyn Jones to Memphis Animal Shelter Board.
•Appointed Deni Carr Reilly to City Beautiful Commission.
•Appointed Karla Davis to City Beautiful Commission.
•Joint Appointment of David Peck to Memphis & Shelby County New Arena Public Building Board.
•Joint Appointment of Julie Raines to Memphis & Shelby County New Arena Public Building Board.
•Joint Appointment of Johnnie Turner to Memphis & Shelby County New Arena Public Building Board.
•Joint Appointment of Brandy Johnson-Ward to M&S County Center City Revenue Finance Board.
•News conference with MPD updating Operation Safeguard, 103 arrested.
•Sponsored a school supply drive with UniverSoul Circus.
•Breakfast at Salvation Army with Tamble Terrace Neighborhood Watch, Willie Banks, President.
•Met with Uptown Volunteers at the Community Garden on 4th Street.
•Spoke at funeral services at Greater Imani for Jerry Knox, Lakesha Spencer and Maurice Crawley.
•Participated in Community Guest Day at Longview Heights SDA Church.
•Attended Bowling for Backpacks' sponsored by Coach Lionel Hollis with the Memphis Grizzlies.
•Met with Shelby County Democratic Women at Piccadilly on Mt. Moriah.
•Visited Fire Station #39 on Raines Road.
•Supported University of Phoenix Students with their Downtown Health Care Project.
•Met Police Officers during shift change at Raines Station precinct.
•AT&T Ribbon Cutting for the introduction of AT&T U-Verse in Memphis, with Chuck Thomas.
•Met with the Commercial Appeal Editorial Board with Mayor A C Wharton and SCCC Deidre Malone.
•Spoke to High School Football Players at the tailgate dinner for the Kick-off Classic at Bridges.
•Attended Dr. Kriner Cash's State of Education Address at the Board of Education.
•Donated $1,000.00 of the Mayor Pro Tem salary to MLG&W's Plus One Program.
•Attended Baptist Minister's Association meeting with Mayor A C Wharton and SCCC Deidre Malone.
•Participated in Media Leaders Luncheon hosted by Donna Davis.
•Participated in Ribbon cutting ceremony for the Maxine Smith Center at Southwest Community College.
•Attended Raleigh-Frayser Community Action Network monthly meeting.
•Visited Fire Station #13 on Parkway.
•Visited the Central Police Station on Tillman.
•Attended Association of City Retired Employees luncheon at the Board of Education.
•Appointed Johnie McKay to Deputy Director of Community Enhancement.
•Attended Greater Memphis Chamber Breakfast Forum featuring Dr. Shirley Raines.
•Attended Memphis In May Board meeting, next year's honored country is Tunisia.
•Spoke at press conference for demolition of Old Lester School by HCD & 1st Baptist Church Broad Ave.
•Spoke to senior citizens-Christmas in Aug. sponsored by International Paper at Sexton Community Ctr.
•Attended Frayser Exchange Club meeting Stevie Moore, FFUN was guest speaker.
•Participated in webcast/conference call on Health Care Reform with President Obama.
•Attended Mayoral Forum at Baptist Ministers Association.
•Spoke at Downtown Neighborhood Association.
•Appointed Wain Gaskins, City Engineer to Transportation Policy Board of Metropolitan Planning Org.
•Signed approximately 42 legal contracts totaling $10,000,793.00 during third week, including contract for new Animal Shelter totaling $7,176,641.00.
•Met with Maryland State Delegate Representative Barbara Robinson
•Attended LeMoyne-Owen College Celebrity Sports Breakfast.
•Visited Fire Station #37 on Weaver Road.
•Kicked off South Memphis Clean-up Campaign at our Mitchell Community Center.
•Attended Washing Chapel CME Church for program on domestic violence.
•Attended LeMoyne-Owen College National Alumni Association meeting.
•Presented proclamations at the Sister Network 5th Anniversary Pink Ribbon Luncheon.
•Visited the House of Mtenzi presenters banquet for the Stone Awards on October 17th.
•Attended the United Negro College Fund Banquet.
•Donated $1,000.00 of the Mayor Pro Tem salary to LeMoyne-Owen College.
•Welcomed Fantasia to Memphis with a certificate of Special Recognition.
•Visited Fire Station # 11 on Union Avenue.
•Attended St. Augustine Catholic Church with members of the City Council.
•Welcomed participants in the 3rdAnnual Memphis Artists Awards Program at Evangelist Faith COGIC.
•Unannounced visit to see conditions at the Memphis Animal Shelter.
•Spoke to AFSCME sanitation employees at their beginning workday meeting.
•Attended Community Education Program at Bloomfield Baptist Church.
•Visited Fire Station #5 on Front Street.
•Approved the sale of beer at University of Memphis football games at the Liberty Bowl Stadium.
•Visited Memphis Police Department Union Station Precinct.
•Attended Developers Network Luncheon at Hope Presbyterian Church.
•Participated in 38106 Meeting at Hamilton Community Center.
•Announced State grant of $975,312.00 for the enhancement of Elvis Presley Boulevard in Whitehaven.
•Signed approximately 7 legal contracts totaling $946,762.60 during fourth week.
•Stopped by the Mid-town Security community Meeting chaired by Peggy Williamson.
•Key note speaker at Germantown Democratic club Meeting at Cozymel's Restaurant on Poplar.
•Participated in ribbon cutting ceremony for renovations at Liberty Bowl Stadium.
•Met with Cellular South officials.
•Discussed future road and bridge improvements leading to Memphis Motorsports Park.
•Met with members of the Indian Hotel Association.
•News conference to announce solutions to payroll problems in the Summer Youth Employment Program.
•Speaker at Minority Business Council breakfast at Cook Convention Center.
•Addressed employees at the City Employee Recognition Ceremony at Memphis Botanic Gardens.
•Held press conference to announce NLC Prescription Discount Card program with CVS Caremark.
•Chaired the Memphis Pension Board meeting.
•Addressed 50 participants in the 2nd Chance Program in the Council Chambers.
•Participated in the WMC TV live debate at Opera Memphis.
•Appointed Joseph Sanio to Pension Board.
•Appointed Kenya Bradshaw to Youth Guidance Commission.
•Appointed Rodney Lomax to Youth Guidance Commission.
•Re-Appointed Lilly White to Memphis & Shelby County Board of Equalization.
•Appointed Brian Mallory to Memphis & Shelby County Board of Equalization.
•Re-Appointed Wayne Tabor to Memphis & Shelby County Convention Center Commission.
•Re-Appointed James Toles to Land Use Control Board.
•Appointed Stanley Hyland to Landmarks Commission.
•Re-Appointed Kevin Kane to Memphis & Shelby County New Arena Public Building Authority.
•Appointed James Weatherington to Memphis & Shelby County Electrical Code Board.
•Appointed Brent David to Memphis & Shelby County Building Code Advisory Board.
•Re-Appointed Edward Bumpus to Civil Service Commission.
•Personally delivered checks to Summer Youth Program Participants on Sunday.
•Visited Fire Station #15 on Breedlove.
•Participated in roundtable discussion with Senator Alexander & Sec. of Edu. Arne Duncan at Soulsville.
•Visited Fire Station #14 on McLemore Avenue.
•Signed approximately 39 legal contracts totaling $3,408,379.17 during last week of August, including HCD grant funded contracts totaling $1,187,208.00.
•Participated in Press Conference for Library Card Day at Benjamin Hooks Library.
•Participated in Memphis Chamber Ribbon Cutting for On the River Seafood & More on Main Street.
•Addressed participants at the Memphis Business Journal Annual Health Care Heroes Awards Banquet.
•Addressed over 300 participants of the Older Worker?s Conference held at the Peabody.
•Attended luncheon at UT Health Science Center with Chancellor Pat Wall and local legislators.
•Met with Betty Tyler with the ARIZE a social wellness program.
•Addressed city employees at Brown Bag Luncheon in Hall of Mayors.
•Stopped by the IBEW Stewarts meeting.
•Spoke at Town Hall Meeting with Kemp Conrad regarding Paradiso.
•Spoke at Neighborhood Watch meeting at Appling Farms Police Station.
•Visited Fire Station #1 on Jackson Avenue.
•Emceed Musical Program at Levitt Shell.
•Signed approximately 32 legal contracts totaling $4,872,279.50 during first week, including HCD grant funded contracts totaling $3,098,040.00.
•Attended Center for Southern Folklore Music Festival at Peabody Place.
•Attended Bank of Bartlett Annual U of M Tiger Football Kickoff Party at Cattle Barn Pavilion.
•Attended Faith & Labor Picnic at Trinity United Methodist Church.
•Addressed the participants at National Baptist Convention at the Cook Convention Center.
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