Dangerous Minds

Which brings me to my point. This guy Thaddeus Matthews takes self promotion to a whole new level. With the help of a somewhat gullible mostly female audience and a few weak minded men.. This guy misleads his audience three hours a day, five times a week Now I see how Jim Jones convinced almost a thousand people to follow him to the jungle. They were just following the crowd half listening and suddenly something they were totally unprepared for happened. The first person he convinced was himself. Then the others blindly followed. If you promise something for nothing or make them feel included. People who have very little power are quick to give away the little they have. Thus we have people talking who ought to be listening and leading who need to be in the rear.
If you don't believe in yourself nobody will. Matthews believes his own hype to the point he thinks he is the "women's pet and the men's regret.." That should raise the first flag to anybody listening. It really wouldn't make a big difference since people can't see the face behind the voice on the radio anyway. But most of his listeners have saw him before and they know he doesn't have room to talk. Yet he never misses the opportunity to call someone else fat or make a comment about how someone else looks. It amazes me at the people who ignore the raccoon sitting in the middle of the room. It's just a matter of time until he bites somebody.
I think some people, myself included, have started to overlook what this agitator and his followers can accomplish. Even if it comes in the form of people taking drastic steps to distance themselves or keep them quiet. They can't win the big one but they win a lot of little ones along the way. Don't count the perceived low number of misdirected citizens out. They are some of the most passionate people you will ever meet. You can count on them to be there right out front repeating what they think they know. They will do and say anything to stay in the public eye. Plus they have minions in high places like the MPD and on the city council. This guy's blog and radio show have become a gathering place for people with axes to grind and underachievers. One thing they all have in common. They have dangerous minds.
Yep, now the brotha's got a signing career going on as well.
He was croonin' his new "Hit" last night non-stop and bragging about going back into the recording studio again.
He's a funny turd.
he's constantly preaching about not taking the white mans money, but notice that he's got to PAY the white man for the privelage of airtime.
He's the sterotypical North / South memphis, Hickory Hood thug.
Of which Memphis seems to have no lack of.
So black folks, what you going to do about it ?
This guy is a jack of all trades,and master of none. He should focus on his talk show. He tries to put his hands in everything he thinks will turn a buck. What happened to Tomi Green ? He was supposed to be managing her singing career. Now she doesn't even get playrd on local radio.
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