Friday, May 21, 2010

Family Business

One would wonder why a able bodied, intelligent young man would take a job as a police in a sometimes dangerous small town. More officers have been killed in West Memphis than it has in it's sister city who is 10 times larger. Yet these small town officers get as much action as NYPD. The answer is the I-40 corridor. It's the causeway to the west. Everything and everybody comes through there. Unfortunately this time it was a killer and his son.

Otherwise it's a pretty cushy job with the potential for great rewards. Especially in the Crime Interdiction Unit. Where both the slain officers worked. The operating budget is based on it's property seizures and arrests. Not so shabby when you consider they have made some of the largest seizures in history. Preachers,politicians and police always want more money, but you can generally expect to see a second generation. That's why it's a family business.