
Monday, October 10, 2011

Clean It Up

Why don't the local "Watchdogs" join forces?  Now that Mike Matthews has lost his job at WREG. He'll  still want to hang around town. .I know this isn't likely to happen though, but if given a chance it might sell. I know at least one of these men is too big of an egomaniac to let it happen. He doesn't realize that half of something is better than all of nothing.  It would have a bigger impact than Edmund Ford getting the Memphis fire/police  unions endorsement for mayor. Realization wouldn't have hit until the first time their paychecks bounced.

This guy Thaddeus isn't aware of the real power he possess. He could really capitalize on the entry level advertisers or those who don't have a lot of money. He can't charge what Clearchannel and Citadel do for their commercials. He only has 5000 watts. He can't compare himself to Bobby OJay and WDIA.  Cater to the audience he has now. Focus on the big accounts later. Build it they will come. This guy has been promising to get a five second delay for several years.  That's the only thing that will stop the cursing and name calling in addition to stopping himself. Not until he can get a grip on that. Will his show rise above his knees. I will have to assume he is content with reigning over the five thousand or so faithful listeners he has and cursing and disrespecting his callers everyday. If he want's to get bigger he has to "clean it up."