
Friday, November 25, 2011


I personally think all this talk of illicit dog fighting rings in Memphis is overblown. I agree there might be some, but not nearly to the degree some people would have you think. Police find two treadmills in a backyard in North Memphis and they're off and running. Now we have a full fledged ring. It just makes future bust look bigger. Just like every meth head they catch with a lab in his car  The subject gets people excited and ready to take a stand. The public seems to be immune to crime except animal abuse and child molestation. Everything else goes pretty much unnoticed. This will get them talking.

The animal shelter is big business. From the medications to the food. The city spends millions of dollars annually. You best believe  there are those chomping at the bits for some of those contracts. Not surprisingly the Rotary Club's audit came out blaming many of the problems at the MAS on it's connections to this illegal sport. According to them we're running a publicly funded slaughterhouse in so many words. With those dreadful Second Chance employees being the brokers over the whole thing. They are all being used as scapegoats to acquire privatization of the shelter.

Along with the dogs being euthanized on a daily basis and the legitimate adoptions. This alleged activity would have to be practiced out in the open. The shelter has 120 volunteers plus paid employees. They didn't see anything? There was no need to be evaluated by an outside source. Those indictments to identify those involved will never happen. Just like the reappearance of Kapone. .