
Friday, December 23, 2011

Got Played

The biggest mistake this man made was going to Thaddeus Matthews instead of the authorities. His listeners haven't learned yet that he is most important in his own eyes. Those teenage girls are back at home where they belong and never should have left. Wendolyn Lee is in jail with $100,000 bond and can't get out. Something about that is not right. The man would've only been charged with two misdemeeanors at most until he got on the phone with Thaddeus and implicated himself for tampering with evidence. He couldnt have gotten locked up at a worse time. The state legislature is focuing on childhood prostitution and sexual explotation next month. Thanks to Thaddeus and his followers. Last I heard the man was traffiking young girls and had fourteen of them across state lines in Southaven Miss.

Wendolyn Lee isn't totally innocent here. This is not his first rodeo. Someboody else introduced the girls to him. Thaddeus peeped out his game and got jealous. He is what I call a "Hardship Hustler." If you get caught between a rock and a hard place. He is the hard place. His concern wasn't solely for the girls alone. He wanted custody so he could get their checks. He wasn't helping them out of the goodness of his heart. Once he found out the mother was slow and the daughters were rebelling. He thought he had an opening to take over. Misdirected as he was he was only trying to help. He got played by all involved.,0,3501044.premiumvideo