
Friday, January 27, 2012

Battle Weary

The president must be enjoying the brutality of these debates for the Republican nomination. By the time the winner faces him, there won't be much left for Democrats to argue with. Newt Gingrich has set out on a path to expose Mitt Romney that's going to prove to be a double edged sword. That may be good for his campaign temporarily, but bad for the nominee overall. The opposing side and the voters are listening. This election will be decided by Independents.

Newt Gingrich is not the answer to conservative woes. He has too much baggage already. Along with the trouble with his ex-wife, there's the issue of his conversion. In the last two years he has become Catholic. Just like Mitt Romney already, evangelicals won't vote for him. He is showing Romney up for his indecisiveness. Yet he calls it a mere change in policy when he does it himself. Some of the same policies he is running against now. He supported and even lobbied for in the past. The winner will be battle weary