
Saturday, March 31, 2012


Why can't blacks in Memphis get this excited about things happening in their own city? They always underestimate the crowd but I think there was at least 1000 people .We don't have a problem with police brutality in Memphis. We have more problems with home invasions and thieves stealing copper. So why are we marching? People have taken to the street without all the facts. I don't have a good feeling about the outcome of this case. People are going to be mad either way. There is already division and uncertainty about the message being spread. George Zimmerman hasn't even been arrested and some people have already found him guilty. Based on nothing other than the fact he is half white and half Hispanic. I hope no one gets any other bright ideas like the Black Panthers did with offering a bounty. Spike Lee went too far and posted Zimmerman's grandparents address on his Twitter. I would consider him a leader. But that's not the right thing.