
Saturday, May 26, 2012

Help Him

I'm not endorsing this type behavior, but I am giving it a hats off. I would rather see a man with a weakness for women spending my tax dollar, than one who has one for other men. Society is fortunate he hasn't focused his motives on more sinister things. What if  Mr. Hatchett were a murderer or a pimp?  Using women to break the law or harming them. Would you rather have him preying on underage girls? He hasn't cost the taxpayers as much money as Mayor Greg Davis in Southaven. Men naturally love the company of women. It's the natural order of things.

If making babies and sweeping women off their feet is what you do best. More power to you. Muslims in other countries are killing themselves for seven virgins when they die. Some man somewhere every minute is going all out for the favor of a woman. So don't act like we don't understand how he got here. At least 11 women chose to create 30 children with Desmond Hatchett. Unless raped or molested, women choose their babies father.

This guy has no molestation or rape charges pending against him . All of these children know who their father is, because their mom took him to court . He probablly sees them all on a regular basis.  I bet he has a son just like him. Three weeks ago I might have looked at this differently. Considering that we now live in a country that endorses men marrying men and at the rate young black women are getting abortions. Why should the mother get all the perks? Since he is equally responsible for the children and their welfare. I say help him.