
Sunday, June 10, 2012

Benevolence With Benefits

I knew this would come up sooner or later. Though it has gone on unchecked for years. You know that person that has a rally every year, or passes out coats and toys at Christmas time. This is that pimple coming to a head. People claiming to be generous when they're actually helping themselves. I first noticed it going national on "Celebrity Apprentice" with NeNe Leakes. Donald Trump didn't want to blow up his spot. So he kept it quiet. She was playing him too. Most people weren't paying attention, but I was. She didn't have a legitimate charity to give the money that she raised on the show. As it turns out she was the main recipient. She was getting paid two ways. At home and on the show.

 But then I noticed all the pro athletes wives and girlfriends doing the same thing. They spend a lot of time donating and raising money for others. Even though their financial stability isn't guaranteed beyond the current season. Either through free agency or relationship troubles. They might not be around next year. People like Rafer Austin's baby's momma sponsoring a fundraiser. When she doesn't have a ring and he doesn't have a team. He has played on six teams in twelve years. It's kind of like being a stylist. Charity work is the job you have when you don't really have one.