
Saturday, August 25, 2012

A Dollar Is A Dollar

One reason I got away from the service industry is because the general rule was "the customer is always right". Even when the customer was wrong. That was when most supervisors and the customers who were complaining were white. When the supervisors and customers turned black. Suddenly the general rule didn't apply anymore. Black managers became like Korean store owners with black customers. Good customer service went out the window. The only concern is the days receipts.

With this city being predominately black. Unfortunately in Memphis it has spilled over into the city and county employees. Through years of nepotism and sometimes even flat backing. We have rude and incompetent workers that we pay. From MATA, the Sanitation workers to the rude and obnoxious women working at Juvenile Court. These people are paid with tax dollars. Every city and county resident helps pay their salary.

The big shake-up at the County Court Clerk's office was an example of what needs to happen at some of these agencies. I don't wish hardship on anyone. But some of these people need a reminder. It even happens when you're sick. There's a world of difference in being admitted Downtown and going out East. Don't go after dinnertime. You might not get anything to eat until breakfast time.

People shouldn't automatically be treated as economy class before you see their ticket. A good waitress or waiter gives everyone good service. That way they never miss a tip. A dollar is a dollar, no matter where it comes from.


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