
Friday, October 19, 2012

The Biggest Personality Won

Why is it acceptable for everyone to make  hurtful comments the first time they see this young lady's picture? If she was a lesbian or bi-sexual this would be against the law. This is discrimination at it's  worst. She should be able to sue any major news source or major media that perpetuates this foolishness, in regards to her being elected the first Black Homecoming Queen at the University of Mississippi. Liars and losers have managed to blemish this golden moment for Courtney Pearson . By claiming the whole  thing was a prank or joke that went too far. Every time a overweight person is successful at anything. You have some skinny people on the sidelines hating and finding fault in their accomplishment. It's no big deal. All they did was call her fat. They feel like she'll get over it in time.

I know Courtney Pearson doesn't want to be the face of  fat people facing discrimination. So I won't mention her name anywhere else but on this blog. But she is a prime example of what I've been talking about. That would make me just as guilty as the other people trying to make this a joke..

I hate to be presumptive here. Something tells me she spends most of her time around  whites and stuck-up blacks.  The only people that would compare her to "Precious" in the movie. Are white people and those haters I was talking about.  She is cute and has the personality to match.  A seasoned sistah would have so much swag.  You would think she was Oprah Winfrey.

I do have one question though. Isn't it customary for the queen to be escorted by the king or a boyfriend?  I don't think having her father escort her at such a big moment is normal. I don't know who planned the event, but they should have noticed that was unusual. The only other time I've ever seen a father escort the Homecoming Queen at the crowning.   The girl had downs syndrome. It wasn't a prank, but it was staged.. This was neither. It wasn't staged  and it wasn't a  prank.. It was just the biggest personality won.


  1. This morning a pastor called WDIA and triied to explain how Courtney was elected homecoming queen.

    Problem is, he was totally mistaken as to why Bobby and his callers were in doubt.

    It had nothing to do with race. I notice Bobby didn't bother to correct him.

    I think Bobby has been receiving flack for some of his opinions.
