
Wednesday, October 23, 2013

One Contract At A Time

Thank God for the people of the council who consider the citizens of Memphis before they make the fiinal vote..Robert Lipscomb was bold enough to tell the truth. Southbrook Mall has been a flop since I  was a child. The biggest store they've ever had is Service Merchandise. And it closed over thirty years ago.  They haven't had a substantial tenant since then. The only other big store they had was Barzizza Brothers. They're still open in another part of town. The mall went the way of the neighborhood.

I knew something was fishy when Janis Fullilove was pushing so hard for this  project.   I knew her hands were in the cookie jar  I just didn't know to what extent.   The "Commercial Appeal" isn't easily fooled like the listeners of WDIA. She isn't beyond misplacing money. What did she and Norman  Redwing do with the Caitlin fund?. I don't  trust anyone using Suntrust Bank to collect money. They were still collecting funds after the Caitlin house was already torn down  That was a small endeavor compared to this. This was supposed to be a big score.

When this guy's name came up it all made perfect sense. Greg Grant is a lawyer without a license.Janis Fullilove is a faithful client. He has had a ring in her nose I know for the last ten yrars. Greg Grant wants to be a Karl Schledwitz  He has made a living off the loopholes in the law.Everything he has been involved with, has had money to come up missing. The plan was to buy the building cheap, and let Janis squeeze the council for a grant. The project has extensive remodeling and construction. Then siphon as much money as possible off the top one contract at a time.