
Thursday, October 10, 2013

You Can Win

The best time to enter a political race for a newcomer is a special election. Raumesh Akbari pulled off a major upset in the Dist.91 seat left vacant after the death of Rep. Lois Deberry.She did have more name recognition than five of the other candidates. But not more than one, Kemba Ford. I'm sure her father John Ford and the rest of her family are still scratching their heads.  They can't believe this little chubby woman with a Jheri Curl beat Kemba who looks like a runway model.  When less than 2000 voters show up at the polls. It's about your team. A good treasurer and campaign manager. Coupled with a good deed and a commercial on the  "Thaddeus Matthews Show'. You can win. 


  1. I hope she doesn't get caught up. Everybody is a supporter now that she has won. They didn't want to rub the Fords the wrong way.
