
Monday, November 20, 2006

Has The Time Come For The Draft

I don't support the draft. Congressman Charles Rangle is just trying to create another generation, of government dependent Democrats. When the war is over, we'll have the residue of what battle leaves behind. We will undoubtedly end up with a disproportionate amount of war related illnesses. For which the taxpayer will have to pay. People who otherwise don't support the war effort. Want to use it as a cleansing method, for the United States. A lot of people are buying into this draft, as a means of law enforcement. They think they can transport our crime problem, from here to there. Needless to say that won't work. If draftees are idiots outside the military. They'll be idiots, once they are drafted. What we will end up with, is a whole lot of entitlement minded people with the status of veterans. If by chance they survive their tour. Which the odds are they will. They'll just be more permanent fixtures, on the taxpayer rolls.

I worked at the V.A. hospital myself. Believe me when I say. They have more than their share, of militant extremist. They think this country owes them something, for stepping up to the plate. Just disregard the fact, that you need to feed your family. For some of them, the service is the best thing that could've happened. Without it they would probably have ended up doing time in jail. Instead they ended up, drawing substantial monthly government pensions. Yet they hate the goverment that makes it all possible. Look at what happened in Liberty city. Only a couple of months ago. The war has become less popular since then. I posted a blog concerning the story If the draft had been in place already. Those people would have been soldiers.

I heard a young man that's been to Iraq. Say it's nothing like, "what the media would have you think". He said he was glad he joined the army, and that we were doing a good thing in Iraq. Needless to say he didn't get to talk very long. The main people complaining about Iraq. Haven't been affected by this war at all. Other than paying higher gas prices. And maybe having their soap operas interrupted. I think this proposed draft is deceitful in it's design. It's just another way to sneak in through the back door. It is a way for those who didn't support this iniative from the start. To participate in the spoils of American sacrifices. The military is surviving with only volunteers. Some of those that were already in, struggled to get out. The Army isn't for everybody, so why force them to join?


  1. Anonymous10:00 PM

    Barack Obama said he wouldn't support the proposal. Is this trouble already?

  2. Anonymous10:16 PM

    The Democratic leadership has already dismissed Charlie's comments. I saw "Face the Nation" yesterday when he said it. It's little more than partisan rhetoric, IMHO.

  3. Anonymous5:25 AM

    I'm not convinced. I don't think a draft would end the wars.The rich would only buy their way out.

  4. Anonymous2:14 PM

    Charles Rangle just brought to light the fact that this war isn't inclusive.

  5. I hope our government comes up with a better plan other than the draft. I do not see were a draft would be effective when a person is forced to join the military and I do not believe the draft should include women. Women who serve in the Armed Forces now are doing so on a volunteer basis, and it should not be a reason to include women in the draft.

    Some prisons actually have boot camp training classes. Presently, it cost approximately $45,000.00 a year to house an inmate. What happened to criminals who are not violent given a choice to join the military or go to jail? If they have done away with that, they should consider introducing it again instead of reinstituting the draft.

  6. Anonymous6:16 PM

    The real criminals won'tjoin the military.They'll do their time.They don't mind going to jail.

  7. Cordova,

    I consider real criminals as young men/women who have become institutionalized. Therefore, you are correct; I was referring to the ones that had been in the juvenile system long and are now facing jail/prison with grown men/women. If they committed a non-violent crime that was punishable by several years and they were going to a jail or prison with the institutionalized hardcore criminals. You will probably get three out of five that would take the military over jail/prison.

  8. Anonymous6:05 PM

    The real criminals are anyone who breaks the law. It don't matter if it's your son, or your bad nephew.

  9. Anonymous8:00 PM

    We don't want nobody that doesn't want to be there.
