
Friday, December 08, 2006

Getting Out Of The Line Of Fire

This Of course, is just my opinion. But I think city coucilwoman Tajuan Stout-Mitchell, is getting out of the rat race. With all these bombs being dropped around her. She is running for safer ground. I can't say that I blame her. You better believe shots have been taken at her. Politics is a dirty game. It's getting harder and harder to stay clean. I'm sure Ms. Mitchell isn't perfect, just like everyone else. She probably has taken the bait before, just not this time. There have been many instances before. Where I feel her position has been compromised. I do think she is a decent lady though.

She has taken an administrative role at City Hall. Heading up Intergovernmental Relations, earning $85,000 a year. She will serve as a liaison between the city and various government agencies. Contrary to what many people are saying. This job wasn't created. It was vacated by someone who took another position. What I think we are witnessing here lately. Is people seizing opportunities, as they present themselves. I think these people anticipate a more informed electorate. As well as a more powerful crackpot group. Who don't vote issues, but idiosyncrasies. These women want a more stable future than that. They don't want to depend on the voters any longer, for a paycheck.