
Friday, January 27, 2006

I Repeat, Roland Reeks

I heard Terry Roland (blue baseball cap) slide into a radio interview today. Just as quickly as he slid in, he slid out. He didn't really answer any questions. He knew where to go, to the weakest radio talkshow, in the city (Realtalk). He managed to get in and out unscathed. Instead of dealing with the issues at hand. He used the opportunity to try and politic. See how many gullible ears were listening. Based on the calls there weren't many. The only person he seemed to impress was the host. Time works against him, whether he knows it or not. It gives the voters time to think. Today he wasted time telling a devout Muslim, he could change his mind about him. It's obvious, he never listens to the show. He thinks he can do a pie in sky speech, and distract the Black voters. He has missed the chance for an upset. He has stirred up the voters, in district 29. It's for bragging rights now. Roland's just following through, to do the ultimate damage now. To bring question to all the elections, that have taken place in Shelby county. Not to mention those that will come into question in the future. Every election where certain people, don't like the outcome. Will be scrutinized to the fullest extent.

It wasn't what he said while he was there, because he didn't stay long. It was what was said after he left. A caller called in and revealed the names of four people, whom the allegations were directed toward. Randy Wade , Warren Lewis, Thaddeus Matthews, and James Robinson. Randy Wade lost a bid for sheriff, in the last sheriffs election. He has a following among the Blacks, in the sheriffs department. Warren Lewis is the owner of a barber and beauty shop, in North Memphis. His endorsement helps to give him credibility, among the Blacks. Thaddeus Matthews an ex-radio talkshow host that seems to arouse a small group himself. Lastly we get to James Robinson, and you wonder where he fits. That's where this whole thing comes together in my opinion.

When I heard about Vatricia Mckinnley, being a public housing official. I figured it to be more, than just a mere coincidence. Considering I knew some of the parties involved. I smelled something fishy. At that point I hadn't heard James Robinson's name yet. Believe me, I thought about him though. He was said to be involved with the embezzlement, of public housing funds once before. Due to the nature of her infractions, I figured they had to know each other. Wouldn't you know his name, would come up later. It came up today. He is one of the people rumored to have been paid. To help deliver the Black vote for Terry Roland.

Verline Mayo alleges that people were paid and made promises, to support Terry Roland. I believe she was telling the truth. I hate she wasn't able to accurately explain, exactly what took place. Her incompetence is being exploited, to acheive a greater goal. She and others are being used, both willing and unwillingly. When I heard James Robinson say he was one of those alleged, to have been paid. It was clear to me, this thing was set up. Birds of a feather flock together. Everyone can change, if they change their surroundings. Too many dirty birds here. There are too many curves in the mix , for this to be straight.


  1. Anonymous12:14 PM

    You may find my response on my blog. Also, since you used one of my pictures in your post, I have uploaded all of them from that team meeting for you to prove this allegation with.

  2. Anonymous5:58 PM

    Ok, you say that James Robinson was accused of embezzling....hmmm, sounds like a person that I would believe....NOT!

  3. Do you want credit for taking the picture. You posted it on the internet, it's free to the public. It's good you did, that's one of the few pictures available. That's largely the problem, with this issue. All the accusations, and information are coming from the Roland camp.

    Farmer I'm giving you the benefit of the doubt. Since I don't know you. I just assume you don't know what you're talking about. But let's first establish, everything is allegations at this point. If you didn't cast the votes yourself. You only know what someone told you. Considering the fact you're running yourself. You should concern yourself with your own image. Instead of that of Terry Roland. Birds of a feather, flock together.

  4. Tngirl,

    I don't know which side you're on, but you're right not to believe James Robinson. He is defending Terry Roland.

  5. Anonymous1:47 PM

    I am a Ophelia Ford supporter, I don't believe Terry Roland. I know who I voted for. John Farmer I never heard of you.

  6. Anonymous4:59 PM

    You may not know me, but I'm one of the guys who did help pull in the votes from Midtown. I was also Terry's primary "opponent". And yes, birds of a feather do flock together, and anything you say against Terry Roland, you say about me. The difference is, I do know what I'm talking about because I was there (not 27-01) for his campaign from the beginning to the end. 27-01 was not even one of the precincts discussed in our campaign strategy.

    You should concern yourself with your own image. Instead of that of Terry Roland. Birds of a feather, flock together. My image is the same as Terry's...we both stood up to fight against the corruption in the system and seem to be doing a good job at it.

    I'm just sensing a few sour grapes here.

  7. John Farmer,

    Your senses are misleading. Now I know, you don't know what you're talking about. You didn't even know who James Robinson was. Do you think a crook, would let everyone know about his underhanded tricks. You're either gullible or a liar, or maybe both. Don't talk about things you don't know.

    If you weren't at 27-01, you're in the same position as everyone else.Maybe it wasn't a part of the campaign strategy, but it's the focal point of the investigation. I'm glad you made your position clear, that's commendable. Now I know exactly where you stand.If you want to be classed with Terry Roland. I'll be talking about you too.

    I don't have sour grapes. I don't have a dog in the fight. If it was left up to me, neither one of them would get in office.I don't support Ophelia Ford, but I don't trust Terry Roland either. More than likely based on your associations, you won't be elected either. I'm glad you think you all are doing a good job. I see what you're trying to do, but it won't work. I don't blame you for getting in, where you think you fit. Why did you change districts? Did you move or something?

  8. Anonymous9:46 PM

    Ophelia Ford gets my vote. I think they should do the election over.

  9. Anonymous5:58 AM

    I thank you Metro for making my case for me. Not once during this process has anyone on this side suggested that Ophelia has done anything illegal (except maybe Thaddeus). You are correct, some things I don't know, so I don't speak to them. And all I know about Robinson is the public record.

    I told you already. Show me some evidence, any kind of hard proof and I'm first in line to pursue it even if it hurts.

    Yet, you don't present any. Instead you resort to "You're either gullible or a liar, or maybe both." You make accusations against someone without credible evidence and then come to my blog to claim how Christ is the center of who you are.

    I'm not here to make a Terry Roland fan of you. That is what is wonderful about this country, a candidate makes his or her case and the voters make up their own minds. This is about correcting problems with the system that permit "foul play".

    As far as your other questions, those are answered on my blog already.

    Just let me know if you ever get any evidence of your accusations. In the meantime, it is not very nice to defame people on the basis of rumor and uncredible witnesses.

  10. Anonymous6:11 AM


    I don't know which side you're on, but you're right not to believe James Robinson. He is defending Terry Roland.

    In this blog entry I do not see where Mr. Robinson is "defending" Mr. Roland. All I see is the implication that because of what Robinsons says, Terry Roland is "dirty".

  11. The piece of the puzzle you want to leave out, is my main focus.You cannot discuss the Roland campaign in the Black community, and leave out Thaddeus and his connection. They are synonymous with one another. He appears to be more connected than you. Terry Roland links his blog, on his website. We aren't getting anywhere here, because our positions are different. You are a native American Republican, I am a Black Conservative Independent. You are aware of your reasons for supporting him, and that's your right. I have mine for not supporting him, and they are just as valid as yours. It would make it a nice neat package, to be able to drop dead weight. Unfortunately you can't. Whether you know anything about this side of the campaign or not,Terry Roland does.

  12. Anonymous4:40 PM

    You are correct, this is boring me. I never disputed your right not to support Terry Roland. It is Terry's job to win your support. The issue is the allegations you have made. Unless you have some proof or credible witnesses to them, then we do not have anything else to discuss.

    Thanks for the discussion and good luck with the (whoever will be the Democratic nominee) November District 29 election.

  13. John,

    If being proven is wrong is boring you. I guess you better move on. It's boring you so much, you've written two posts about it. I'm credible, and my opinion matters to me. People that know what I know, have the same question. You or Terry Roland, haven't answered them.

  14. Tngirl,

    I cannot recreate the broadcast for you. My post is in response, to a statement made on a radio show. Something you've admitted is, you did not hear the show. Mr. Robinson was defending his position in the Roland camp. You didn't hear it,so you have nothing to add. I did hear what was said, so I am commenting.

  15. I noticed Mr. Roland on a news interview say "someone should tell her (Ophelia Ford)she's starting to look ridiculous". My guess is, someone should probably be telling him the same thing. Everything he has thrown at her has failed. A lesser opponent would've folded long before now.
