
Friday, January 27, 2006

It's Just Infactuation

I enjoyed the talents of Jamie Foxx immensely in the movie "Ray". I saw his acting skills displayed like never before in that movie. He has the God given ability, coupled with the right roles. To become one of the finest actors of our time. He was even pretty good in the movie "Redemption". In his acclaimed portrayal of executed gangleader 'Tookie Williams'. I have always found him funny as a comedian. He can sing and play the piano too. He's an all around entertainer.

Lately he has been taking up causes that aren't good for his image. Not for everyone subject to his positions anyway. He has mass media appeal. I'm all for brothers not selling out, that doesn't mean become a militant though. It's okay to take a stand, but don't impose it on others. His fans are not only Blacks. He sells tickets across the board. Whether he recognizes it or not. The majority of 'Ray Charles' fans, are older White people. When is the last time you heard, a Ray Charles song on BET or MTV? Those same people don't listen to hip-hop music. His latest unexplored territory. He is also riding on the crest, of a hot new album "Unpredictable". Right now he can do nothing wrong artistically, but there's a business side too. That's just as much a part of entertainment as the art itself.

That's the line I think he has crossed. It's usually not a wise idea to bite the hand that feeds you. Which is what I think he did to NBC, regarding his last televised music special. He refused to have any Whites acts on the T.V. show. Which I thought was a little extreme. If a White artist had put on a televised show prohibiting other races. The Black community would have been up in arms. The station didn't promote the show. I hadn't seen any commercials advertising it. It came and went with little or no fanfare. I didn't even hear about it. I haven't heard plans for a repeat either. I guess I just missed it, I'm sure it was good.

Jamie Foxx comes across to me as hot dog, someone full of himself. He is good but he knows it. Some consider that as confidence, some consider it arrogance. In this case, I think it's the latter. He has been around Kanye West, and Will Smith too much. I think the fever is catching. High profile Blacks feel the need to speak out. To prove their loyalty to their people. In the case of Mr. Foxx. Why not prove his ethnicity, in his choice of a mate? His life partner is not Black, not a sister in other words. Don't get caught up in the moment. Say or do something, you'll regret at a later date. When deciding whether to say something or not, that's going to be covered in the media. I think they all would be wise to remember. It's just infactuation, it's not real. Beware of the people you ignore when you're climbing up the ladder of popularity. They may be the cushion on the way back down. Don't use the rope they give you, to hang yourself.


  1. Anonymous9:09 PM

    I'm glad I'm not the only one. I feel you girl !!!

  2. Mzconservative,

    I noticed him at the BET awards show. I became aware of the arrogance issue then. I think he better think, before he speaks.If he needs an example. He should remember Arsenio Hall. He was the hottest thing on television, at one time.When is the last time you saw him? He gets a guest appearance here and there. He was once the Black version, of Johnny Carson. Like David Letterman and Conan O'Brien are now.
