
Thursday, January 26, 2006

To Whom Much Is Given

One of the most successful , if not the most women in the world. Has to still be careful what she says. Me amd someone were just talking about her influence the other day. This book club has the power to create millionaires. All it takes is an endorsement from Oprah Winfrey, to send sales through the roof. Whether the book is worth anything or not. It becomes instantly successful. Is the literary world shaped by the opininions of Ms. Winfrey. Is her stamp of approval all that's needed to qualify someone as being worth reading. Before she gives the go ahead sign on a book supposedly that's fact. She should rely more on knowledge of the subject, than trusting someone elses judgement.Her latest 'foopah' is the book " A million little pieces" by author James Frey. 'Foopah' is not a word in the dictionairy. I heard it used on television in this context, and I liked the way it sounded. The book was supposed to be a memoir, about a recovering addict. It turns out many intregal parts, of the story were made up. Some of the most chilling parts of the book, never took place. Questions had already arose concerning the books credibility. The author (James Frey) was on a episode of "Larry King Live" when Oprah made an impromptu call, to defend the authors integrity. As if she hadn't already stuck her foot in her mouth. Since she recommended it and had the author make a guest appearance on her show. Calling in speaking on his behalf, only made it worse for her. It helped draw attention to the fact that she was tricked. Now the question is being asked, does it hurt her reputation? I think her opinion carried to much weight from the start. To her it may turn out, to be a blessing in disguise. Considering so many people hang on every word she says. Maybe now she won't hold the compass, to so many other peoples thinking. She can focus more on the example that she sets herself.

Luke 12:48 But he that knew not, and did commit things worthy of stripes, shall be beaten with few stripes. For unto whomsoever much is given, of him shall be much required: and to whom men have committed much, of him they will ask the more.