
Wednesday, January 25, 2006

I Think He Makes Too Much

My opinion isn't racially motivated, let's get that out of the way from the start. I do all I can personally to promote racial harmony. Often to a point of it being unpopular. I found myself in agreement with known racist about this particular issue. They look at everything from a Black and White point of view. The problem is, in this case they're right. This man is the epitome of racial inequality in the city of Memphis. We say nothing about a White college basketball coach making over a million dollars a year. Yet we think paying a Black Mayor of the 17th largest city in the country $200,000 annually is too much. Not to mention that we fired the winningest coach we ever had. They didn't want to pay him $100,000 a yr. before he left. He had to file suit, to get his severance pay. Which by the way was about what Calipari earns anually. Maybe it's just me, but I have a problem with that.We are now ranked #3 in the nation, which is a big deal. I don't think it's due to his coaching, as much as it is the talent on the team. I'm not a basketball coach, but I could win with the players he has. I'm enjoying our success right now, but it's about time. We're paying Calipari to take us to the NCAA, not the NIT. Not to say that winning the NIT championship is not a prestigious accomplishment in itself. It's just not what was promised, or paid for. I remember we refused an invitation to the NIT once before. Now we're waving the NIT championship banner like it's an NCAA title.

We are investing in him in hopes of a payoff in the end. The proverbial pot of gold, at the end of the rainbow. Considering we don't want to pay for anything else in this city. Especially when it comes to investing in the future. The resume he uses is clouded with scandal. Why isn't there more of an uproar about this coaches salary? If it was Nolan Ryan, with the same statistics. My thoughts and opinions would be the same. I bet the University of Memphis and it's fans would want his head. I heard the only logical argument that could be made on his behalf. His so-called connections in the NBA have served him well in his college career. He's a public relations dynamo, if that's what you want. My argument is about his coaching ability not his media appeal. Someone called him a snake oil salesman, that's a pretty good description. It just reveals the psyche locally, as well as nationally. Obviously his appeal is widespread. He has convinced the country that he's a great coach. He has managed to do this without winning the big games. The best teams don't always get the most exposure. It appears we want a movie star instead of a winner. Right now they're one in the same. When it's all said and done. I think we're paying him too much.


  1. Anonymous9:40 AM

    I don't agree that coach Calipari is not worth the money. He has taken the basketball program, to a different level. I think he gives the University Of Memphis, a national appeal.

  2. He's in the NCAA tournament, maybe he'll earn some of his exhorbiant salary.

  3. Anonymous6:57 PM

    I heard you on Andrew today. He gave a shout out to your blog. I hope you don't mind me getting the address.
