
Wednesday, January 11, 2006

Marion Barry, Has Fallen Again


It was only a couple of weeks ago that Marion Barry, was reporting he was robbed. He is the former four term mayor of Washington D.C., and present city councilman. He also is a Graduate of Lemoyen Owen college, here in the city of Memphis. He is truly a rag, to riches story. After he was caught on tape, smoking crack in a hotel room. He was reelected as mayor again. In spite of his drug troubles. He's on probation for not filing taxes in the last six years. He could easily be locked up, if it wasn't for a plea agreement. He is allowed to hold office because of a provision in the city charter. Like the one they're trying to modify here. He has been the main character, of every kind of fairy tale, you can imagine. How many chances do you think he is entitled?

This drug thing is tough. It has taken down the best of them. This guy isn't stupid, he's just weak. I have seen and known some good men to succumb, to this addiction. Once you get that monkey on your back, it's hard to shake it off. Most people shake it for awhile, only to have it come back later. When I look at the brothers that have lost good jobs, and good women I shutter. Marion Barry even gambled the trust of his people. In his own right he was a civil rights leader. This drug must be awfully powerful. If a man would choose a rock over a woman, something is wrong with that.

I don't think there is such a thing, as a functioning crack addicts. Like we have functioning alcoholics. They have a tendancy to loose all self control. They might do anything to try and get the drug. It makes me wonder about Barrys claim of being robbed. It sounds fishy, but I want to give him the benefit of the doubt. I wish anyone well who is trying to overcome their addiction. I don't want them holding public office though. That's too much power. Just keeping themselves together, that's a full time job.