
Wednesday, January 11, 2006

Mayor Addresses Kiwanis Club


The memphis mayor W.W. Herenton, has taken the time to address every segment of the community. He didn't have his annual state of the city address for everyone, he addressed them separately. I feel considering the political climate, this was probably the best thing. Meeting the opposition, in their own setting. Rather than have them disrupt an organized meeting, with irrelevant questions.

He had a meeting for the city as a whole. Where he took responsibility for the surplus situation, which is all he could really do. The financial shape of the city, didn't happen over night. He was the first to admit to this infamous "gentlemans agreement". With the former city council, about not revealing the need for raising taxes. For a councilman to come out after the fact, is without merit. Councilwoman Carol Chumney may not be guilty of being involved with this, but she can't accomplish anything by herself. She has the easiest district in the city. You don't hear the people from East Memphis, complaining about anything. The east part of the city is relatively clean and safe. Considering the size and budget, this city isn't in that bad of a shape. There are shortfalls all over the country, not just in Memphis. I think overall the speech was well accepted. He didn't take questions from the media.

The next day he talked to the media and the naysayers together. Sometimes they sound like, one in the same. He accused the media of not being fair and subjective. In all honesty, I think he was right. Race isn't the main issue here, but it plays a part. I noticed Jackson Baker, was quiet as a church mouse. I hope his readers paid attention to that. I don't blame him, he's playing it safe. He is a writer and his job is to sell newspapers. I understand where he's coming from. I just found it interesting that he was the first, to get behind the administrator (Thaddeus Matthews)of the recall. Who the mayor called a "societal misfit". By promoting his blog in his newspaper. Knowing full well, what its content was. The mayor talked about the charter commission, with which I disagree. He said he had no problem with it, as long as the citizens approve. I think he knows it won't amount to much. It's not worth the effort required to fight. I heard the mayor make some concessions in his speech. He might come across as being arrogant, but it may just be his confidence.

His latest speech is to the Kiwanis Club. Some of the movers and shakers, of the Memphis community. The business owners and professionals, a significant part of the tax base. Many of which, for the most part. Opponents of the Mayor, don't even recognize their names. I wonder what they think? They have basically remained quiet, in the midst of our financial woes. Outside the Belzs, Hydes, Smiths and Turleys. Listening to some people, you would think Memphis is divided in quarters. You can't have a discussion without their names coming up repeatedly. Those four people encompass the solution, to all this citys problems. Some people are so tunneled in their vision, they don't look at anything around them. If he only addressed the views of part of the citizens. He could only look to part of the citizens, to pay for everything.

The mayor has said there will have to be some cuts. In the fire and Police departments. We don't want to cut any services, but we don't want to pay more taxes. How can you get anything out, if you don't put anything in. As he has said from the beginning, in spite of what some people heard. His actions have proved repeatedly. He is a Mayor for all the people.


  1. Anonymous3:44 AM

    There are quite a few major problems in your comments:

    "You don't hear the people from East Memphis, complaining about anything."

    Strike #1 Wrong, wrong, wrong....I could give you names of MANY people who are on standby for the recall election. People are up in arms over the state of this city.

    "The east part of the city is relatively clean and safe."

    Strike #2 Just who is giving you this information? - incorrect, also.

    "Considering the size and budget, this city isn't in that bad of a shape."

    Strike #3 Exactly what is your expertise in financial matters? ...not much, I can tell. The city is in terrible shape.

    "I think overall the speech was well accepted."

    Strike #4 Believe me, that speech was NOT well accepted. The people in that room were taught manners and they would never act like a bunch of hoodlums. It's called control.

    "Race isn't the main issue here, but it plays a part."

    Strike #5 Incorrect again. Many whites have supported Herenton over the years. He has managed to blow that support. Memphians will support any intelligent, capable, honest, moral person - irregardless of race.

    "The mayor talked about the charter commission, with which I disagree. He said he had no problem with it, as long as the citizens approve. I think he knows it won't amount to much. It's not worth the effort required to fight."

    Strike #6: The Charter Commission will work to reign in the excesses of the mayor's office and the city council. In other words, the charter will be written to prevent any future scenarios such as this mess the mayor has managed to create. People can't wait!!!

    "He might come across as being arrogant, but it may just be his confidence."

    Strike #7 Wrong again. He knows he is in extreme danger of being thrown out of office. Why do you think he is so guarded in his public comments and appearances? There is not an ounce of confidence within his body.

    "Opponents of the Mayor don't even recognize their names. I wonder what they think?"

    Strike #8: I know them quite well, thank you very much. And, they think exactly as I do.

    "They have basically remained quiet, in the midst of our financial woes."

    Strike #9 Excuse me while I collapse in hysterics. Just keep on thinking they are keeping quiet or don't know about all of this ...... watch them come out of the woodwork - at their selected moment.

    "Those four people encompass the solution, to all this citys problems."

    Strike #10 Actually, Mr. Well-Informed, those people are a huge part of the problem.
    You show your ignorance here. It is because of them and their financial perks that the city faces many of these problems. They are on the take.
    Ten strikes and you're out but I'll be generous and give you one more.....

    "He is a Mayor for all the people."

    Strike #11 Really? He has been the worst mayor the city has ever had. It just took a while for people to realize what's been going on.

    Think about this: Many of those who can afford it are getting ready to bolt from this city if something doesn't change. You cannot unfairly overtax a certain segment of your base, reduce services to the city, etc., and expect people to remain. When the quality of life is no longer acceptable and it's too dangerous to go out on the streets, citizens will depart and then what's going to happen to Memphis? Who will pay the bills then???

    I would suggest you study the state of the city instead of listening to whomever is feeding you this stuff. It is helpful if one knows what he is blogging about. You are as uninformed as anyone I've ever seen. I would be mortified if I were blogging this misinformation.

  2. It is apparent you are a anti-Herenton. I don't know whether you're White, or live outside Memphis. If not one,you're probably both. I have found this to be common among those who complain, about the Citys affairs. That or they are just uninformed.

    Those people in East Memphis waiting for the recall aren't waiting because their district has been neglected. It can only be personal reasons, take it up with councilwoman Chumney. If there is a part of East Memphis, that's unclean and crime ridden point it out.

    Memphis is a major metropolitan city. We have a workforce of over 250,000 workers. Which increases the citys population by 37%, during the day. Since you're an expert maybe you have the exact numbers. The same city that once boasted a surplus of over $70 million. Was under the same leadership then. Where were the naysayers then?

    If the city is in such terrible shape. Who is footing the bill for all these improvements? Do you own property in the city? Have you payed your property taxes? Collecting overdue taxes alone, would bail the city out.

    The same people that had a problem with the speech. Are the same people that complain about everything. You act like the people deserve a medal, for acting civilized. They didn't act up , because they knew what would happen.In addition to not having a point, they would go to jail too.

    I'm not prepared to speak for all the White people of Memphis. I know that won't stop you, but you aren't either. Are you a member of the Kiwanis club? I'm not so sure he has blown the support of his White backers. People like you hope he has.

    The charter commission is like a mutiny, and it won't work. Manipulation of the city charter is what's keeping a crackhead in office. I don't know what your agenda is, but I'm sure you have one. Unless you're just a hater.

    I don't know you, and who you know. So I won't comment on that. I do know your opinions are not shared by the majority. Those that take stands in the community, aren't in the practice of being quiet.

    I think this is a case where those that have something to loose. Are sitting back letting those that don't, wage the war. Whatever happens they're going to roll with the flow.

    I was uncertain about your ethnicity. When it comes to truth it doesn't matter who it comes from. I think I have it figured out though. It's usually the same people that try to be disrespectful and don't know what they're talking about.

    If those four people mentioned were to leave, who would replace them? You probably would loose your job, if you haven't already.

    All those people you speak about ready to bolt from the city. Where are they planning on working? Do you think they would quit their job, to live somewhere else? I don't think they will.

    I would suggest that you present some facts, instead of your opinions. I know you're not in the know, you haven't mentioned projections. You don't know what you're talking about, and I suspect you are a liar. Your arguments are generic at best. Thank you for taking the time, to supply me with a target. I've enjoyed picking you apart.
