
Wednesday, January 11, 2006

We Need To Stop

A habit we need to stop,both men and women. Is dropping the issue, when it is proven we don't know what we're talking about. Let's stop being so narrow minded, in our pursuit of knowledge. We disregard, what we don't already know. It should be about having it right, as opposed to being right yourself. Many times in my daily interactions, I have seen people try to bury and issue. Simply because they were proven wrong. Unfortunately much to often with success. I think this is something we as Americans need to stop, it has become standard practice. Only to evaluate what is directly in front of us, don't dare ask a question. We need to come to a general consensus, a meeting of the minds so to speak. That doesn't mean go along to get along, or let sleeping dogs lie. Let all the righteous people join hands, and get to the bottom of something. If there ever was a time, to get something right. The time is now, I would think. The knowledge of a few ,end up shaping the opinions of many. What's important to me, may not be important to you. I think it's important whether it's your personal gripe or not. We should still search for the truth, whether we agree or not. Does this paradigmatic behavior matter to you?