
Monday, January 09, 2006

Who Is Calling Themselves Bill Dundee ?

Who Is Calling Themselves Bill Dundee ?
I have been keeping up with the progress of the recall petition. We know who half of the duo is, the other is staying anonymous. Calling themselves Bill Dundee for some reason. The only Bill Dundee I know, would be the local wrestler. Using this name could have something to do with the audience they're trying to attract. Only a hardcore wrestling fan would consult Bill Dundee for political advice. Voters like the ones who voted for Jerry Lawler, in the last mayoral election.If this thing is successful we won't have to wonder who Bill Dundee is. He'll be more than happy to come into the limelight. I think he's staying in the background, waiting to see how it turns out. If this thing turns out to be a travesty or a joke, they'll remain Bill Dundee. If it is a roaring success, they'll come to the forefront. Ready to take the credit for such a marvelous idea. I can't blame them, for testing the waters. If we allow it, why not. George Flynn was the first one to try it on the radio. With the Jennings Bernard and Thaddeus Matthews tagteam on WTCK 1210. Look where Mr. Flynn is now. He woke up and smelled the coffee. He quit beating a dead horse. Now he's on the county commission.I think Bill Dundee is Jackson Baker. The writer for the "Memphis Flyer". In my humble opinion. He is one of the more accurate, of the local political pundits. I first became suspicious when Mr. Baker endorsed the "Thaddeus Matthews blog" in the"Memphis Flyer". In the past I have known them to be a stickler for facts. Even when it goes against his political leanings. What's the deal now? Recent developements lead me to believe. The local voters aren't really that preoccupied with facts. This thing is driven by emotions. If I noticed this paradigm, I'm sure Mr. Baker has.


  1. Anonymous1:19 AM

    Poor metro you're wrong as always.Why don't you spend as much time on your blog as you do mine? I guess because no one knows you'll here.

  2. Thaddeus,

    I might be wrong about who it is, but I'm not wrong about the recall. I'm not going to loose any sleep trying to figure out who it is in hiding. You could be lying, it's not beneath you. It shouldn't be much longer now anyway. I'm going to see how wrong I am, when you don't get the required number of signatures.

  3. Anonymous1:25 AM

    That's really what matters. Whether or not he can pull the recall off. I'm with you, I don't think he can.

  4. Anonymous1:29 AM

    I don't live in Memphis myself. A friend told me about this blog. I do know the recall doesn't work though. Look what happened in California.

  5. Anonymous1:33 AM

    I don't think it's Jackson Baker.

  6. Arthur D,

    You are right. I have since learned that Bill Dundee is Black.

  7. A pretty reliable source has informed me that Bill Dundee, is Dale Gill. Hiding his involvement that's his m.o.(modus operandi). He's always somewhere lurking, in the shadows. If indeed it is him, it's no biggie. It's just as I thought it's no big deal. When we find out who it is, we won't be surprised. Or we won't really care.

  8. He finally admitted it, and like I said it wouldn't be anybody special. Del Gill is Bill Dundee.The credibility he has is waining as we speak.

  9. This is just an update. It was Del Gill, and they didn't get the signatures. The recall failed miserably.

  10. This comment has been removed by the author.
