
Tuesday, January 31, 2006

The State Of The Union Address

In my opinion this speech, wasn't anything special. Other than I was impressed, with the way he started it off. With a tribute to Coretta Scott King, the widow of Martin Luther King. That was really the only thing new, he hadn't already said. Except the confirmation, of the latest Supreme Court Justice Samuel Alito. I don't think it was as good, as the last one he gave. Those who oppose this administration, will only call them more lies. I was inspired after listening to the last one. It made me optimistic about the country's future. This one was more business as usual to me. I guess this is the remix version of the last address. I was in agreement overall, with the President all along. He restated his position on the war in Iraq, and that America would stay the course. All Democrats agree, that something has to be done about Social Security. They have many complaints, but they don't have any solutions. Everyone wants Medical reform, but that doesn't come free. It would be nice to give everyone free healthcare, but that doesn't work. When you take out profit, you remove the motivation factor. Why would you want to be a doctor, if you can't make a lot of money. The President again, pushed his insurance accounts. Which I have always been in favor of implementing. Where ever you go, you take your insurance with you. He stressed education and the need, for our children to capitalize. We need to prepare our children to compete, on a global level. Encourage them to excel, in Math and Science. The evidence of "no child left behind" is working with the younger children, all over the country. At the rate things are going, they'll be ready for the future challenges. No one has taught them yet, it's an uphill battle.

Watching the speech amused me. It was like looking at a seesaw, with a heavier person on one side. The only time the Democrats stood up, is when the heavier Republicans sat down. I was surprised he didn't get more of a reaction, on the immigration issue. The politicians don't seem to be as interested in the issue, as the people are. Unless I'm mistaken, that's one of the more pressing social woes. Some of the things he talked about, won't happen overnight. To stop America from being dependent, on foreign energy sources. He only talked about our dependency on the middle east, which by the way isn't our major supplier. It will not happen in his tenure, if even in the near future. We may do away with 75% of our oil supplies from the middle east by 2025. They only represent one fifth, of total oil consumption. The best he can do, is set the wheels in motion. Another policy he is asking, that both parties maintain. Put aside partisan politics, and come together to get this done. Make the tax cuts permanent, that Americans now enjoy. Much of Americas problem lies, in the peoples perception. People are so busy complaining, they don't really look at their situation. If we don't go to the base of the problem, and change the peoples mindset. Nothing is going to change, as far as they're concerned. Considering the numbers, all except the popularity polls. Reluctantly the message of personal accountability, is taking hold. Home ownership is up, teenage pregnancy is down. Both good signs we're headed in the right direction. By the time people catch on, and see what's happening. The Presidents term will be over. I always say this President, will look better after he's gone.


  1. I went to Church tonight, I was pleased that the congregation didn't overwhelmingly cheer against President Bush. I was happy when my pastor, got back to what his focus should always be. The word of God. We must tust in God, whatever the situation. All power in place, was allowed by him.
