
Tuesday, February 21, 2006

The 60 Second Test

Today I issued a challenge over the radio, that I don't think will be met. I live in Memphis, which is a predominately Black city. The ratio is like 60% Black, 40% others give or take. Therefore most of the talkshows, and elected officials are going to be Black. Having said that, it shouldn't be the center of our existence. Everything that is wrong in Memphis, is not a racial issue. There are those people that do. I think they call those people, Black and just that. There are some citizens, that have a problem with everything. Needless to say the Black elected officials, are the catch of the day. Some complaints are legitimate, but they're bunched in with the bogus ones. To find something worth addressing, you have to cipher through the garbage.

I get tired of hearing the same old arguments rehashed. Today I bet them they couldn't go one minute, without saying the word Black. They never say anything, of substance or new. I was was being ambitious, when I said one minute. Most of their rebuttals don't last that long. They couldn't even do it for fifteen seconds, let alone a minute. The other part of the deal, was that I listen to a local White talkshow host. To see how long it took him, to mention the word White. I listened for over an hour, as much as I could take. As obnoxious as he is, he hadn't said the word yet. The person I was talking to, is usually wrong about most things. The problem is, he isn't by himself. I found it amusing to listen, to his conversation from that point on. After that, he had nothing else to say. I had taken away, his primary subject matter. It's a test anyone can take. If you can't state your case, without making it racial in one minute. You can't pass the 60 second test.


  1. Anonymous11:58 AM


    I love your need site... Too bad, you didn't make this much sense on the radio.. Who am I?

    Love you

  2. I said the same thing, you just weren't listening. You were listening to the mixed up host.I get into these irrelevant arguments. That's the problem with talking on these radio shows, the message get's distorted. I can't reveal the whole picture in 90 seconds. I don't know who you are, tell me.

  3. What's up Bishop,

    You would be surprised at what we agree on. You seem to be for what's right, that's what I am for as well. We differ politically, but keep reading my blog. Whether we agree or not, I enjoy the dialouge.

  4. Oh I forgot, 1600 Realtalk.

  5. He is jealous and a habitual liar. He thinks threatening, or attempting to reveal me will keep me quiet. Never threaten a man, that's not scared. You might have to back it up. I keep telling that clown I'm not afraid of my past. He claims to be a preacher, but what he needs is Jesus

  6. It's been three days nobody that calls have passed the test yet.

  7. Anonymous1:56 PM

    I've been listening too. Jennings Bernard ought to pay you. You bring life to an otherwise dead show.

  8. Anon 11:56,

    That's why his show is struggling now. He want's to be the center of attraction. He doesn't want an opposing view.

  9. They haven't done it yet. Went a full 60 seconds.

  10. It's April 21 2006, they still hasn't done it yet.

  11. It's November 2006, I'm still waiting.
